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Dianne made sure she waved long after Connie was out of sight before looking around her feet for her mini-me. Only being a little over eighteen months, Eleanore was still getting the whole walking thing locked down but that hadn't seemed to stop her wanting to walk everywhere. She found the little one sitting on the floor playing with some sticks. Dianne smirked, thinking of how Joe would react to her sitting on the floor if he were there and dared to pick up her daughter and rest her on her hip. As expected Eleanore gave a squeal of frustration and made a bid for freedom before Dianne said

"Shall we go home Monkey, and play?"

"Oh-oh," she pointed over to where Connie's headmistress was shutting the door, the last few stragglers and late comers, one of whom had been Connie, rounded up.

"We'll come back for her, at half three," Dianne told the little one, "not that you know any concept of time eh missy, you're barely one."


Dianne sighed and kissed her daughter's cheek, repeating a phrase she had said multiple times in the last nearly two weeks, "in America, in a hotel in New York. Home time."


"Don't you cry too," Dianne cooed, stroking her cheek, walking up the path to the gate. Connie had almost been late to school that morning because of a teary realisation that Daddy, who had been gone 13 days, wasn't there to butter her toast in the right way, "we all miss him Eleanore, Mummy too, so much."

"No up."

"Okay, I'll put you down," Dianne smiled, placing her daughter on the path, which was a little damp from a downpour the previous evening. Eleanore immediately took off, as soon as Dianne had wiped her bum free of a leaf. In true Eleanore fashion, she stopped every three or so paces to strike a pose or test out a new dance move. Dianne dug her hand into her coat pocket, pulled out a bobble, princess Sofia crown, lint from the tumble dryer and eventually her phone where she filmed Ellie's walk home for Joe, knowing he would appreciate it. She would have, if she was the one who was away- little videos had always made her feel a little better.

"What do you want to do today little Duck?" Dianne quizzed, taking the woolly hat Eleanore had insisted she wore, despite it being the end of May. They had just got back after they had stopped and observed Farmer Neil's cows from an Eleanore approved distance; she didn't have quite the same love for the animals as Connie did.


"Ring Pop, okay, what else?"


"Nana Rina, alright."

"Gaga?" Ellie asked, a pout on her face as she looked up at Dianne who was taking her own coat off.

"Grandad Graham. Wow, we're going to call all of the grandparents today, are we?"


"No to calling Nanny, but you love Nanny."

"Gaga," Eleanore shouted.

"I don't understand love, I said, we can call Grandad- Gaga."

"No! Gaga," she repeated loudly. Dianne sighed, watching her daughter drop her teddy, which she had pulled off the side in the mud room, stand on one foot and put her hands in the air.

"Good balance baby!" Dianne praised though didn't know what Ellie was trying her hardest to communicate.


"I don't," Dianne went to say again.


Dianne stared at her daughter for a moment and decided to mimick her, rising onto one foot too, repeating "gaga" over and over again.

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