Tell the Moon

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"I can't believe I'm doing this again," Dianne said to Joe, as he opened the car door and let her out. They were at Connie's school, dropping her together, so Dianne could say goodbye, preparing to go on tour with Ellie for the first time, solo. The plan was for Joe to drive them up to Liverpool, the fourth location of the Strictly; The Professionals Tour, and first location that Dianne couldn't return to home from.

"You're our wonder woman, come on," he clipped Eleanore's car seat into the wheeled base and took her hand, following Connie along the little lane, and across the school crossing, with the help of Joyce the lollypop lady, to the school gates. They were running slightly late, so only had a few minutes until the head teacher rang the bell, signalling the start of the day. Joe quickly kissed Connie's neatly plaited head and relayed what was going to happen in terms of pick-up that evening. He then lifted her up to say goodbye to Eleanore who was in the beginning stages of her nap making sure she wasn't disturbing her. Now it was Dianne's turn, she let go of Joe and the pram and crouched down in front of Connie. She placed her hands on Connie's freckly, rosy cheeks and sighed, trying to absorb her daughter's features even though they were already committed to hr memory and had been for years now.

"Tell the moon 'I love you', okay?" Connie nodded vigorously, her hands on Dianne's. The mum gave a small sad smile in response, "tell the moon 'I love you' and it'll always get to me."

This was the thing that Dianne had said to Connie on every tour she went on since HCTG. It had come from a memory she had of something that her dad had said to her the day she had left home for the first time. He had told her whenever she was missing him to look up at the moon because the same moon is seen all over the world. She had taken so much comfort in that sentiment, even though she was nineteen that she knew it would bring Connie the same comfort. So now they said it, whenever they were apart, 'tell the moon 'I love you' and the moon will pass on the message.

"And Ellie?"

"And Ellie!"

"And does it work for Nana Rina and Pops?"

"It works for everyone but especially me and Ellie."

"Do you have to take Ellie too Mamma?"

She nodded and looked back at Joe who was stood with the pushchair a little bit away, "she's a little bit too little to stay with you and Daddy."

"But can we come with you then? And do school with you?" Connie argued, a point she had been trying to make for as long as she knew her Mummy was going away on tour, "I done it last year in lock down."

"I know you did, but I'm sorry baby, not this time." She had explored this possibility herself but had decided it wasn't the best thing for Connie, she needed the stability of having a teacher.

"Oh okay, I'll miss you so much Mummy and Ellie."

"We'll miss you too, we can call you though, all the time kay?"
Connie nodded and sniffed, as the teacher stepped out and shook the old-fashioned bell, causing a sonorous sound to resonate through the quietening playground. People started lining up, parents turned to leave and Dianne knew it was time to say goodbye. She took her hands from Connie's face, hugged her tightly and said, with as big a smile as she could muster, "go on big girl, see you soon."

"I'll tell the moon!"

"Good," Dianne straightened up and waved at Connie, thankful when she felt a pair of hands wrap around her from behind, "so will I."

"She's just fine. Come on, let's walk back and get you and missy up to Liverpool."

Dianne didn't move, just kept staring at Connie's retreating back and then at the closing entrance door.

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