Who Is She?

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I woke up and jumped out of my bed. I wanted to meet this girl, badly. I wanted to know how she got here, if she was a warrior, I wanted to know EVERYTHING.
I ran to the room she was staying in and found her still asleep. I resisted the temptation to wake her up. I then noticed her markings were a bit brighter than yesterday.
"Abalyes, she needs rest right now. You can ask every single question you have later," my mother gently chided. I nodded my head in disappointment. "I'll tell you when she wakes up."
I walked out of the room and started wandering around the village.
"Hey Abalyes!" I heard someone shout. I turned around to see one of my friends there. She had pale red markings that twisted across her body like vines.
"Hey Bodelia," I said, still lost in my thoughts. We had been friends before I could remember.
"Watchya thinking about?"
"Hm? Oh, nothing much."
"Yes, nothing much," Bodelia rolled her eyes, "it's not nothing much if you're thinking about it this hard." Our friendship allowed us to guess what the other person was thinking. Sometimes we didn't even need to ask each other if something was wrong.
"Okay. Well I helped rescue this girl last night. My mother is healing her and she's still alive. Her markings are shining a bit brighter."
"Hey, there's no need to worry then. Your mother is the most skilled healer in the history of healers. She's going to survive." I smiled at this.
We started walking around the village, telling each other crazy things like wierd made-up stories. We did this for almost an hour, until I heard footsteps running up to us.
My younger brother, Drekader, hit my legs with a wooden training sword before I could fully turn around. Unfortunately, I didn't have a training sword, or a sword in general on me but that didn't mean I couldn't fight back. When he tried to run at me again, I ducked under his sword that was aimed at my chest and punched the inside of his leg. Drekader fell to the ground and put his hands up in defeat. Bodelia smiled and gently punched my arm to get my attention.
"I will catch you off guard one day and defeat you," Drekader said, smiled and punched my arm roughly.
"You will never defeat me," I announced. A sudden thought came over my head. Could that girl beat me?
"I will. One day." He smiled again before running back to the training ground.

Bodelia and I kept walking around the village and talking. We must've done at least five laps or more before we decided to finally sit down. We just kept on talking, seemingly not running out of words to say.

Eventually we departed at dusk and I headed back home. Remembering the girl that was in my mothers care, I dodged around my brother, who must've come home not too long ago, and walked into the girls' room. Her markings were much brighter than they were this morning, almost at their full brightness. Just as I was when I first came to see her, I was disappointed again. She was still asleep.

Abalyes VoltarisWhere stories live. Discover now