"I just want to be with you!"

"WELL THEN STOP THINKING ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT FOR A SECOND AND GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ARSE!" I screamed, flicking his hand off of my shoulder when he tried to touch me. My head was wrapping around itself from pure anger running through my veins. What kind of man disrupts so much of his life for a woman? I didn't want that! I wanted attention, but not if it meant that the rest of his coven had to do more work to make sure that he could be with me. That wasn't right.

Not able to be near him, I left. Once I found myself inside of his room, I locked him out.

He didn't need to sleep, but I did.

·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ _______________ ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·

Sleep was not something that I got last night. My eyes were still stained with tears. I don't think I've ever cried so hard in my life. Even my after-birth headache couldn't compare to the sinking feeling in my chest. Nobody had tried to come after me when I went hurtling down the corridor into Marcus' room. By nature, some of them may have heard the fight. If they spoke Greek, they would have understood it.

I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I had yelled at my mate. I couldn't even manage a mate for a single day. How was I going to be with someone if I didn't know how to? Do people just walk blindly into relationships? We're mates.

Why does life have to be so complicated? Why are men so complicated? Am I the complicated one? I bet he thinks I'm the complicated one. By nature, I'm probably the complicated one of this bond. Why did I have to yell? That isn't very nice. I hate that. Damnit I hate myself right now.

I'm an idiot.

"Why do I do this to myself, clock?" I asked the object, knowing it couldn't respond. "Do you think I'm a piece of shit? I sure do. I'm a piece of shit."

The clock didn't answer. Go figures.

"I should call her," I said, annoyed that I would have to go to that extreme, "I have no clue what the hell I'm going to do. I'm such a shitty mate. Who gets mad because someone wants to spend time with you? This is stupid. Why am I not calling her right now? I'm wallowing in my own sorrows. Woe is me."

My sorrows over my mate were reasonable, but I suspected that once again I had found out yet another thing from my parents that showed up in my life. There was no doubt that Mommy and Daddy are difficult, stubborn, and oftentimes too prideful for their own good. All of us, the gods and goddesses (obviously), were this way. Even cousin Aphrodite had her own sense of pride, although hers was centered around her own physical beauty. She's vain, but she must be the best wingwoman the world has ever seen.

"Well, I really should be calling her now. Ugh! I hate this. I hate everything!" I screamed into my pillow once again, feeling the wet pillow hit my face. Who would imagine it? A goddess crying because she did something so terribly wrong and now needs to call someone else for help? No, never heard of her.

Throwing myself into my blankets, I reach for the charm bracelet Daddy had given me right before I left for Volterra. Looking for the little heart charm that was Aphrodite's symbol, I found it right next to brother Hermes and sister Hebe. Rubbing it hard enough that she would get the message, it was time to wait.

It was a longshot, my Aphrodite coming to my aide. If I was lucky enough, brother Hermes would come here instead to give me the message that she's busy. She's always a bit busy, isn't she? By nature, I just want someone here to hold my hand. I want Marcus. I want him so badly.

Oddly enough, my cousin appeared in the room within a minute, looking around the room frantically. Once she saw me, she sighed.

"What are you doing in here?" My cousin asked, looking me up and down. "Why have you been crying, Callidora? Who do I need to kill? Who dared make my little pretty thing go through emotional turmoil-?"

𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, Marcus VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now