(Alex slaps Reggie's arm)

Alex: DUDE!

Reggie: What, all I was saying is that L-

(Alex slaps him harder)

Alex: DUDE!!!

OHHH, yeah I should shut up.

Julie looks confused

Alex: I think we should still play, I mean we don't know where he is. We can't live in fear.

But you only live in fear.

Reggie: I agree, we should rock it on Friday.

Luke and Julie give each other a concerned look

Reggie: (whispers to Alex) There doing it again.

Alex: (whispers back) Yeah I can see that.

Its like I'm in a chick flic when I watch Julie and Luke together. Not that I watch chic flics. Wait, I'm in my head. I TOTALLY watch chic flics.

Julie: Ok, yeah I guess we can still play, we just have to be careful.

Luke: I don't know, you could be in real danger. Caleb is a bit of a lunatic.

See I told you, CHIC FLIC.

Alex: A little?

Julie: I'll be fine. I have the three of you.

Reggie: Yea, we can be like your body guards.

(Reggie dose a series of bad karate moves)

Alex: Wow I feel safer already. (rolls eyes)

He doesn't appreciate me enough.

Luke: Julie, are you sure?

Julie: Yea, and there is no way we are missing this opportunity.

Alex: Yall still have to explain this gig we got.

Reggie: I'll tell you later.

Alex: Wonderful.(full of sarcasm)

Reggie: You know I got you buddy.

(Alex smiles and rolls eyes)

Luke: Looks like we have a gig on Friday.

Julie: Yep, ready to work on some new songs Luke?

Luke: You know I am.

I would hate to be in that room with all that tension, but it might be entertaining if I had some popcorn. AWww I can't eat popcorn.

(Reggie looks sad)

Alex: What's wrong?

Reggie: I just realized I can't eat popcorn.

Alex: (shakes head) Lets go buddy, I'll take you to the park, (whispers this part to Reggie) and we should leave the lovebirds alone.

Reggie: Good idea.

Alex is just so smart sometimes.

Reggie and Alex flash out

Julie's POV ~

   Julie: You ready to get started?

Luke: Yea.

This should be fun.

At the piano

Luke: So I've had this tune in my head lately, what do you think?

Plays beat to "Perfect Harmony" on guitar

Wait is th-... IT IS!!!


Luke: (confused) Get what? 

Julie: The song!

Luke: Oh, I don't know, it's just something I've been playing around with.

Julie: So, you thought of it, it didn't come from anywhere?

Luke: No, unless a dream counts, Why?

There is no way we thought of the same song. Right?

Julie: Does it have lyrics?

Luke: Julie, is something wrong?

Julie: Do you have lyrics for it Luke?

Luke: (chuckles nervously) I mean yeah... do you want to hear it?

It is impossible that we wrote the same song in our heads.

Julie: Yeah.

Luke starts singing "Perfect Harmony"

"Step into my world"

"A bittersweet love story bout a girl"

"Shook me to my core"

"Voice like an angel"

"I've never heard before"

Julie start to sing

"Here in front of me"

(Luke looks in shock)

"Shining so much brighter than I've ever seen"

"Life can be so mean, but when he goes I know he doesn't leave"


"The truth is finally breaking through

Two worlds collide when I'm with you
Our voices rise and soar so high
We come to life when we're"

"In Perfect Harmony"

They finish the rest of the song

(author: I'm too lazy to write the whole song. Sorryyyyy!)

Luke: ho-h-how did you know that?

Julie: You know how you said you dreamed it?

Luke: Yeah?

Julie: Well so did I!


Author ~ 

Hey, sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. I've been a little, wait scratch that, I've been a lot of lazy. But thank you to everyone that has read my book! I hope you all have enjoyed it. I'll try to upload regularly when I can. Byeeeeeeeee!

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