Chapter Six

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"Let me get this straight, Jay, you're going to a party?!"

Jay sighs and groans, getting really fed up with the same damn question being asked to him for the fifteenth time in these last two minutes of the call that he had attempted to make short and snappy for his currently 'absent and very busy parents'. Yeah, it really didn't seem like that right now.

"Yes, mom. I am." Jay mumbles back, trying to swallow his bitter tone to the blonde on the other side of the phone. He picks up the piece of paper which was used as an invitation to this said party and flips it around to see the information once again.

-Must be 16 or older
-Has to be able to get there and back themselves - no rides by me.
-No silly string
-Have fun!
-Don't stare at my girl

Dress code:
-Girls HAVE to wear dresses and/or skirts, no exceptions.
-Long hair is preferred to be up, but if not, be warned.
-Boys are not allowed to wear joggers - jeans!
-Shoes have to be cleanable

You must bring at least £3 with you. You're gonna wanna buy something - the food is amazing!
Drinks are £1.50
Hotdogs are £2.00
Sandwiches are £1.00


Party starts at 6 pm, ends at 1 am!

Be there or get beaten the shit out of. I'm looking at you, freaks. It's getting boring to watch you walk around with bruises. So have fun, or else.

"Jay you're going to a party?!" His fathers asks, clearly having taken the phone from Jay's mother.

"Yes, dad. I've just told mom," Jay rolls his eyes, trying to refrain hanging up on his parents then and there.

"You don't even like parties Jay!" His father says.

"I-I know, but I want to go. All my friends are going and-"

"And we won't know if you're safe."


"Anything could happen to you!"

"Mom I'll be fine. I'm with my friends and I'll call if anything happens," Jay rolls his eyes again. He's almost alone all of the time so why do they suddenly care about his safety now?

"The answers no Jay."

"Y'know what? I'm going whether you like it or not!" Jay hangs up and rests his head on the kitchen counter.

"I have to wear jeans," Morro murmurs to himself. "I don't want to, but I have to."

Morro looks at his bed where he has two outfits laid out. One outfit is a pair of black jeans and a thin, dark green shirt with a pair of black converse. The other outfit is a black skirt with an off the shoulder dark green top and a pair of combat style boots. Morro sighs and puts the first outfit on.

He stares at himself in the mirror and looks back at the other outfit. Why can't I wear it? I know I don't like to wear it to school yet but...I'm just not comfortable in this. Morro sits back down on the bed and pulls on his converse. He stands back up, checks himself in the mirror and heads into the kitchen.

He grabs the £3 he set aside as well as his phone. Just as he goes to open the door, his mother yells from upstairs.


Morro sighs quietly. "Yes, mother?" Morro taps his foot impatiently, he's meant to be meeting Jay, Cole and Seliel at the bus stop.

"Why the fuck do you have these out?!"

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