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Hi, so, I've recently been receiving comments about updating books (it's not just on this one), and I've mentioned this on my announcements before New Years and I thought I'd repeat it on here (as this is where they seem come up the most).

"Hey guys, so recently I've received comments about updating books. Updating on a regular basis is hard, especially when it's term time cause of school. I'll try and update when I can but I'm never going to have a proper schedule. Comments asking me when and/or to update is not gonna make the updates come any faster. If anything, they're gonna make them come slower. So please don't ask about updates cause it's already hard enough for me to update as it is."

This was pretty much the original announcement. The only thing that has changed is that I'm back to writing (kind of, it'll be explained below).

So, why haven't I been updating?
My motivation the last two months has been awful. I've really struggled to sit and write something. I'd start writing and then stop around ten minutes later, only writing a few lines. It may be because I've been giving myself too much to write and I can't keep up anymore (I mean, I have like 34 books published and over 15 drafts so...).

What I would appreciate, is that you don't comment asking about updates. This book is hard to write and it has a lot more steps to it than all of my other books. Trying to keep the consistency (writing 3000-4000 words per chapter) is a huge challenge for me, but I'm trying my best.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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