"This is so good" Ron moaned as he took a bite from his chicken.

"Why do you always have to make eating sound so sexual?" Harry remarked, letting out a slightly uncomfortable laugh.

Ron pondered over his question for a moment and shrugged, immediately continuing to eat.

Hermione, for once, didn't have her nose in a book, instead she was looking around the hall to see if there were any exchange students for the term - surprisingly she was met with dark eyes glued to the read head infront of her.

"Ron, why is Zabini staring at you?"

Ron started chocking on his food and stared at her with wide eyes. "What?"

"Don't look!" She scolded before Ron could turn around.

"Am I missing something...?" Harry asked cluelessly before looking over at the Slytherin table.

Ron looked at Harry and then at Hermione, silently asking if he was still staring.

"Okay you can look now"



The rest of the week passed by quickly. Classes hadn't changed much and homework was given out like candy.

Pansy, Draco and Blaise were sitting in the common room discussing their new potions partners.

"She is so bossy!" Pansy groaned and fell back onto the couch.

Blaise shook his head and let out a stifled laugh. "At least you're not paired with someone who keeps flirting with you"

"Was it just me, or did the Weasel look pissed when she started flirting...?" Draco asked, finally showing some interest in the conversation.

Blaise's head snapped up towards Draco and frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"When what's her face started flirting, Ron looked pretty pissed" Draco shrugged.

"Maybe he just likes her and was jealous?" Pansy suggested.

"Probably. Or..."



"Can you believe it!?" Ron yelled angrily. "She basically threw herself at him!"

Harry looked at Ron with a confused look plastered all over his face. "Ron, she was just flirting."

Ron let out a scoff followed by a sigh.

Harry frowned."Look, Ron, normally I understand exactly what you're talking about... But what are you so worked up about? It's not like they're together or anything."

"That's not the point, Harry" he sighed and plopped down onto his bed.

"Then... What is?"

Ron sighed once again. "I don't know"


"Ron, if you keep making faces it's going to get stuck like that and you'll have to live the rest of your life looking like-" Hermione sated and mimicked his expression.

"I don't look like that" he huffed.

"SuRe" she teased.

After a few moments of silence Hermione slammed her book on the table, causing Ron to flinch.

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