Josh x Juicy Embarrasing rcording

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Josh and I were laying in my bed talking when all of a sudden my phone starts to go off, it's Narrator I answer and Josh started moving the bed as if he was having sex "STOP" I whisper yell at josh but he keeps going "yo juicy I all good?" He askes and i just say yes "hey Man U gonna play with me and Mully Ree kid and Swagger?" "Yeah sure I'll be on in a sec" I hung up ur phone and walked over to josh and kissed him and told him I'm gonna play with the boys "ok I'll be here waiting" josh says as he lays down.

We were about ten minutes into the game and all I here is my door open I take my of my headphones and put them in my arms "dude get out I'm playing a game" I say and look at him with a stern face sort of "I just wanted to say u looked so sexy" "DUDE THE BOYS ARE ON" "hi boys" Josh says in a hot sounding tone "GET OUT" I yell and blows me a kiss and shuts the door with a smirk, I put my head seat back on and all I hear is everyone laughing "was that josh?" Ree kid says giggling "ummm" "dude is it weird that I think he wants to smash u?" Swagger says and everyone laughs "OK CAN WE GET ON WITH THE GAME" "yeah sure" they all say still giggling.

After the game we all log off and as I walk out my room I see josh on the couch asleep, it's like 12am, I go and snuggle with him and slowly wakes up and gets into a comfortable position ten we both fall asleep.

Not the best.

Edit: ok schools tomorrow and I'm scared I don't want to go btw it's high school and in grade 7 and there is a lot of drama HELP ME PLEASE KIDS. Also thanks for reading my story love u guys baoiy

The boys OneShots Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora