Juicy x Smashing

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Smashings POV

I'm on my way to the airport because me Mr Smashing is going to see Juicy/ Gaege, me being a 4 year old child on the way to a birthday party is supper excited I haven't seen him in over a year, I mean I do talk to him while filming, he's so fuckin funny I love how he tries to make everyone laugh during recordings and on privet call, I love it...

I just pulled up to the air port i check in and I also have about an hour and a half till I have to get on the plane to America and its going to be a 16 hour flight, I went to get some food from a shop near by when suddenly I start to felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it out and can you guess who it was? It was my favorite person... Juicy. "hey Gaege what's up (It Just turn 12 am in Australia and I'm writing this and I'm taking forever trying to come up with ideas while I write )

" I am doing fantastic, hey I was just wondering what time would have to come pick you up and how long is your flights??" I look at my watch sitting on my wrist whits like 5 other bracelets " um first off that's good your doing fantastic but um my flights about 16 hours and your probably gonna have to leave around 6 in the morning to meet me on time" "okay cool thanks man" "yeah no problem mate" I hang up the phone and put it in my pocket. I grab my food and go sit down and wait for the plane.

I just got off the plane and I'm so tired but I go and grab my luggage ang go through security, I get to the other side and I just feel like I'm going to pass out but I go to doors to get out and I see a familiar face... It was Juicy/Gaege, oh my lord he looks even better than the last time, I can see he has a huge smile on his adorable face oh my god.

Juicy/ Gaege's POV

you know what I'm just gonna say Juicy from now on.

I saw Smashing walking out the door he looks so tired but so cute I cant, I can feel the smile slowly creeping on my face I walk over to him and suddenly I got butterflies in my stomach it's the worst feeling in the world I hate it "hey how was your flight?" I ask and his response was "good but I didn't sleep at all and it sucked" that does suck.. Hey how about we put these in the car then go back to mine and you can sleep how about that my good sir" "lets do that I just want to sleep in a bed" I hear him say as we start to walk back to my car.

We get back to my house and its now 11am and Smashing slept the whole car ride "hey Smashing wake up dude were home" I say while shaking him very lightly, he slowly opens his eyes and I tell him again very softly "you go inside ill grab your stuff u should know where the guest room is?" I say and he nods looking really tired. He walks inside and I go to the boot and grab his stuff.

I get inside and put Smashings stuff away and I go to the kitchen and make some food because I haven't since 6 am. I go sit down at the couch and turn on the tv.... I see sashing walk out of the room and I say "do want some food?" he nods and sits down next to me "what would you like?" I turn to him and he was yawning then he said "ill have anything" he says and smiles at me, I get up and walk to grab my phone from the bench. "he juicy can u come back a minute?" I turn around and walk to the couch and lean on the back of the couch and look at him, he looks a little nervous "you okay?" I ask "uhh, well, I r-really like you" I turn around and look at him "R-really?" I say and look at his amazing face, he nods,I pick his chin up with my finger and say "I like u too Smashing" I lean in to him to kiss him.

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