Chapter 3

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Effie Trinket sat and waited. She watched the games, expecting Haymitch to die any second. All the other trainee escorts were busy, either learning or doing fashion design. They were all from the Capitol or Disctrict 1. She just sat there. They tried to get her to learn, but she refused to move away from the screen, incase she missed something, so she just sat there, day and night. No sleeping, she couldn't sleep anyway, she was too anxious. All of the girls, including her were given sponsor money, Effie spent all of hers on Haymitch. She sent him medicine and food and anything he needed, until she ran out. The next week was the most stressful, she saw Haymitch pair with Maysilee, which made her slightly envious, but she knew not both of them would survive, and that it was nothing serious. When Haymitch split from Maysilee on the last day, within a few minutes she was pecked to death by large pink birds, and Haymitch sat and held her hand as she died. Now there were only two left. All her Haymitch had to do was kill this last tribute, and they were so close. Suddenly Haymitch slices the District 1 girl's eye out. Her axe lands in his stomach and Effie gasped in shock. She saw Haymitch stumble and collapse by the edge of the arena, holding his intestines. As the District 1 girl raised her axe and threw it Effie winced, not wanting to look. However when the axe hit the forcefield it rebounded and landed in the girl's forehead. The cannon went off. Effie shrieked in excitement. Haymitch had won. He was the victor! She would see him again.
Haymitch emerged from the games, battered, bruised, cut and exhausted. He had to go into hospital for a few days to get his intestines sorted out. Effie wasn't allowed to see him, but Capitol medicine meant that he healed quickly so the crowning could commence soon and there would be a party. All the trainee escorts were invited to get a glimpse of their future, all the other current escorts would be there. When that night came Effie made herself look as beautiful as she could possibly be. She wore a blue dip hem dress and had her hair in curls, with colour coordinating makeup. She walked into the party smiling, scanning the room for Haymitch. When she spotted him he was speaking to Capitol citizens, looking very miserable, with a glass of alcohol in hand. Effie approached him and he turned to look at her. "We can't be too close here. They won't allow it. Friendly, okay." he said. "Mmmmhmm." She nodded in return. She couldn't say much, she was too happy to see him. "Do you want to dance?" He asked. "Yes, of course." She said nervously. Haymitch pulled her close to him and they danced round the floor. All eyes were on her, the other escorts glared enviously from the corner of the room. "Let's go downstairs." He said, taking hold of her wrist and sneaking off into an empty room. Effie put her arms around his neck and reached up to plant a kiss on his lips. Haymitch returned the kiss, passionately. " I've missed you so much," Effie said, leaning her head on his chest. "I've missed you, I got out, for you."

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