Chapter 11

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A baby's wail was heard throughout the Capitol's hospital. Effie looked up, attempting to get a glimpse at her newborn baby.
"Are they okay? Is it a boy or a girl?" Effie questioned, knowing that the Capitol would most likely take her baby from her.
"Your baby girl is fine. You will get to spend an hour with her before she is removed from your care entirely. President Snow will speak to you after." A nurse said.
"Girl? Can I name her?" She said sobbing about not being able to see her baby for aged.
"You can name her." The nurse said, bringing her daughter in and placing her in Effie's arms. As Effie gazed down adoringly at the beautiful, smiling face in front of her she realised many thing. She would not get to see her daughter grow, Haymitch would never meet her and this was probably all the time she would ever spend with her. However upsetting this was Effie tried to enjoy the precious hour she could spend with her and tried to pick a name of the ones that she and Haymitch were considering. He had wanted a girl. He wanted to name her Anna, Effie had wanted to name her Isobel, but looking at her daughter now she realised that she was an Anna, and named her after Haymitch's wish.
"Hi Anna." She said to her baby. Anna gurgled happily in reply. So oblivious to the world around her and that soon she would no longer be with her. She held out her thumb in front of her and Anna grabbed it eagerly, so fascinated by it.
"Your daddy would love you." She said, huge tears rolling down her cheeks. "I love you. Remember that." She whispered in Anna's ear, so no one else would hear, and lightly kissed her on the forehead. It was at that moment President Snow came in and Effie wiped the tears from her eyes, refusing to show any weakness.
"Hello Miss Trinket, you have a beautiful daughter, does she have a name?"
"Anna." Effie replied, never looking at Snow directly.
"Lovely. But I have a matter to discuss, concerning your daughter." Effie nodded and Snow continued, " as you know, your relationship with the former District Twelve victor, Haymitch Abernathy is not permitted, therefore you will no longer hold custody of your daughter. However she will go and live with your parents, and you will get the chance to see her for a few hours every six months if you cooperate. The terms are of this agreement are : You must never engage romantically in a relationship with Mr Abernathy, and you must never tell him that your daughter is alive. You must remain in the Capitol at all times except reapings, and during the games you will only engage in formal conversation with him. If you fail to obey these rules, and we will know if you do, your daughter, along with Mr Abernathy and your parents will be killed. Do you understand?"
"Yes." Effie said sadly, knowing that Haymitch would never know that his daughter existed. "How are my parents alive. They died in the District Thirteen bombings."
"No they did not Miss Trinket, most of District Thirteen is alive and well, but if you tell anyone it will result in
Anna's death."
"Okay. But she will be loved and cared for well." Effie said, crying. "That's all that matters."
President Snow cut in and said, " Unfortunately the hovercraft is waiting outside to take your daughter to Thirteen, so it means that you will have to hand her over to us now."
Effie reluctantly passed Anna over into an Avox's arms, who carried her gently out of the room. Her cries for her mother could be heard all the way down the hallway. Effie nearly broke down right there, but attempted to show strength in front of Snow.
"Sorry that we had to do this, but it was for the best. I wish you a speedy recovery for the reaping in a month. Goodbye Miss Trinket." He said, and then President Snow exited the room without looking back.

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