Chapter 21

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Today was the start of the attack on the Capitol, News had broken out across the districts of Katniss' departure to the Capitol. Along with her had gone Cressida, Gale, Finnick and some others. Meanwhile Effie sat in her room nervously, knowing that right now could decide whether she and her children would live freely or not. Haymitch was carefully observing all of the things that were happening with Katniss' group alongside Coin, Plutarch and Beetee. Most days Effie was left alone in her room with Anna, but she would sometimes go and talk to her parents, who had barely seen her in all these years. Just then she heard a loud knock from the door.

Laying her hand on her stomach, where it was slightly raised, Effie got up and made her way to the door, where she found a beaming Haymitch. He scooped her up enthusiastically and spun her around, finally kissing her on the lips.
"Wha-What was that for?" Effie stammered breathless but smiling.
"We've won, the Capitol has been taken, Snow is imprisoned band is set to be executed tomorrow. Coin is on her way there as stand in President."
Effie squealed and kissed Haymitch again, then she picked up Anna out of her cot and placed a big kiss on her cheeks.
"What about Katniss and the others, are they okay?"
Haymitch looked down, silently.
"Oh my God, what is it Haymitch, tell me!"
"Finnick, and ... Prim."
Effie broke down on the floor right there, clutching Anna to her chest for a source of comfort.
"But Annie, she's pregnant. And Prim was so young, too young." Said Effie, her body racking with heavy sobs.
"It's awful Eff. I saw it all." He replied softly, taking her in his arms and stroking her silky blonde hair, whilst Anna was held between them, not understanding why her parents were upset.
"How's Katniss?" Effie asked.
"Upset, angry, injured. She saw Prim the second before blast and was injured by it."
"Where is she Haymitch?"
"In the Capitol." Haymitch replied.
"I'm going there, I've got to see her. She's lost almost everyone close to her, I've got to make sure she's okay, and let her know that I'm there for her."
Haymitch just sighed, and shook his head disapprovingly.
"Eff, you're pregnant and you know it could be dangerous."
"Haymitch, you know there's no stopping me, and if you're that concerned come with me. You're her mentor."
"But what about our daughter, she needs us too." He said, in a poor attempt to persuade her to stay in thirteen.
"We can take her with us. It's not too dangerous in the Capitol with Snow under lock and key, and little chance of an attack. Who says that thirteen isn't just as dangerous?" argued Effie.
Haymitch sighed, reluctantly agreeing. They would leave the next day according to Effie.

When the next day finally arrived, Effie collected  the few things that she needed to take with her, the majority of the stuff was for Anna. They then made their way onto the hovercraft that awaited them, and was ready to depart. Soon enough they arrived in the Capitol, which Effie saw was now stripped of its glamour and elegance. It looked like the ruins of a long forgotten city, with plumes of smoke filling the sky and scorched patches littering the buildings. Before they went into the Presidents mansion, Effie stopped of at her old apartment to collect a few things that she'd had to leave behind. She also chose to use this time as a chance to change into something less grey, that wasn't quite Capitol fashion, but made her feel suited to go and visit Katniss. She picked up some photos she was sent of Anna and some other clothes, but she chose to wear a simple blue dress, and she also found some clothes that she had stored for Anna in preparation for her return.
There was also a treasured necklace in one of her drawers that was given to her by Haymitch for her 15th birthday, a locket in the shape of a heart.

Effie left her old apartment, glad to be rid of everything Capitol, and made her way to visit Katniss in the infirmary with Anna, who was now dressed in a sweet, navy blue dress, held in her arms. Haymitch walked by her side in a scruffy suit, she'd told him to look smart, but this was Haymitch and he didn't care. Walking into the infirmary they saw Katniss sitting up in her bed, the cuts and scratches on her face now healing or forming scars that would be a permanent reminder of the rebellion.
"Hi Katniss, we heard what happened and wanted to come and see you."
Katniss looked up, and upon seeing Effie, gave her a welcoming hug.
"I'm so sorry about Prim." Effie said, mumbling into Katniss' shoulder.
"Prim was brave, she would have wanted to die saving others." Katniss cried, a tear rolling down her face, but she smiled when she saw Anna's smiling face looking happily up at her, oblivious to what was going on.

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