Ch: 31

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Cassandra's POV

As I entered the cafe I couldn't help but smile when I saw his familiar face. I rushed towards him and I hugged him. Eric yanked me away from his beloved.

"Someone is Jelly."

I taunted Eric, as he pulled my cheeks.

"What brings you here?"

"Just to check out the place you suddenly decided to work at but now I exactly know why."

I laughed.

"Ya Ya now go have a seat and don't disturb us, we have work to do."

" Okay okay, I'll be waiting."

I look for an empty seat. I found one beside a guy. I could only see his face because he wasn't facing me.

"Hey, can I have that seat?"

The stranger turned to face me and I was startled. I wasn't expecting to find him.


I paused for a while being a little confused, and after some time. I sat down. It was kind of awkward so I tried to break the silence.

"I didn't expect to find you here."

"Yeah...I didn't but, I had some work so I am waiting here."

"Who exactly are you waiting for? Was this seat for them? Should I leave?"

"No...I was waiting for Jaden."

"Wait... you know Jaden?"

"Yes...he's my neighbor. I started living with my granny and since she wanted to invite Jaden for dinner. She asked me to invite him."

"Oh...I see."

He nodded. I looked around and I saw that Eric and Jaden. They were busy and also I noticed someone with familiar scarlet hair, I knew who it was but I was not sure, I tried watching closely, and finally, I could see her and my hunch was right it was Marceline. She was with a girl with short hair.

Maybe I was wrong but she seemed a little too friendly and what was she doing here? I hope she is not here to cause Jaden any trouble...

I turned to look at Emilio who was looking their way. I felt terrible as I couldn't help but think about all the things Emilio might have gone through after the breakup... He had changed a lot. I was so sad when he suddenly disappeared from our lives, we were so close but that one moment changed everything...

"It's been so long...How have you been?"

"Fine...and you?

" Same here."

We spoke for quite a while. He told me everything that happened. It felt like the good old days when we used to tell everything to each other, this is so nostalgic...


Emilio's POV

Eric, Cassandra, Jaden, Gracie, and I were at the same table having dinner. Gracie seemed way happier than me, to see my childhood friends but I wasn't sure how to feel about all this. I wasn't in a bad mood but I also wasn't in a good mood either. I just felt empty. I wasn't feeling that great so I left first.


Jaden's POV

Granny Gracie told us to spend the night at her place like she always did to me. All of us couldn't deny her request so I, Eric, and Emilio ended up in the same room. Emilio didn't seem too happy about it but on the other hand, Eric was excited. He hadn't done anything weird up till now and I hope he doesn't...

Now the only thing we had to decide was who was gonna sleep on the floor and the bed. I didn't want to sleep on the bed so I decided to sleep on the ground and so did Eric. Emilio slept on the sofa even though there was a huge empty bed and Cassandra was in Gracie's room.

Emilio turned the lights off. I couldn't get any sleep because I was worried. After all, Eric was sleeping beside me. He kept turning all the time. I think he wasn't used to sleeping on the floor.

"I think you should sleep on the bed..."

I whispered to Eric because I didn't want to disturb Emilio. Eric didn't agree at first but after a while, he gave up and slept on the bed peacefully. I could sleep now but before that, I wanted water, so I went downstairs to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. On my way back I saw Cassandra coming out of the bathroom.

"You awake?"

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep and I was thirsty so I wanted to drink some water. Want some?"

"Nah, I'm good. I wanted to talk to you but I couldn't... if you don't mind, can we talk now?

" Yeah...what is it, that you want to talk about?"

"About you and Eric. Is everything fine between both of you? Eric has been acting weirdly and I am kinda worried so I figured it might be related to you because I know that Eric likes you..."

"Certain things did happen..."

"Oh...I am so sorry for my stupid brother's inappropriate behavior. I know he can be a real idiot at times but please forgive him he doesn't mean to hurt you...he just has a very different way of showing love...I will be honest with you my brother never knew the meaning of love until he met you. He was confused between love and lust from the time you have entered his life he has become a better version of himself. I know you don't have feelings for him but I hope you at least try dating him and see him for the person he truly is."

I was confused about what I should do... I didn't hate Eric but I didn't like him... at first because I will be honest, I envied his life because he had everything I didn't.

I just hoped he'd be a bad person so that I would have a reason to hate him but he proved me wrong. Even though I hurt him he didn't say anything... Neither did he hurt me back...Was I doing the right thing by hurting his feelings? I don't think so...he might have done bad things in the past but he has been trying to become a better person...I don't want to hurt him but am I worth being anywhere near him?

"I will have to think about it..."

"No problem, take your time."

She smiled as she entered Gracie's room and I went back to Emilio's room.




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