A slippery confession part 2

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"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" It rang in Astrid's head over and over."

"Because I love you." she said to  herself. It was something that was rare to hear.Her father was raised in a family with two brothers and no sisters. The viking way was to be rough and his father stopped saying I love you to him by the time he turned 14. Growing up that way he did the same for Astrid.She stopped telling him I love you as well,by the time she was 15 .It was no healthy way to raise a child but it happened never the less.

Her eyes were spilling tears uncontrollably Hiccup made her feel wanted with just a few words.She didnt even relize she was crying until she felt tears drip down her chin.She stood in his house and cried into her hands. She knew nobody would be there for a while with his father out and Hiccup angry.

She cried until she was out of energy, then she caught her breath.She needed to apologize for yelling.

Right now.

She got a mug of water and composed herself to make it look like she hadent been crying. She left his house to go to her own. She got stormfly ready and put some chicken in a basket for her beloved dragon. It was time for the search for Hiccup.

It wasn't too hard to find Hiccup. He often would stray out to rouge sea stacks with toothless to think. and thats exactly where he was. Drawing in the dirt with a stick.He heard the sound of storm fly behind him and quickly scribbled out his drawing. He didn't turn around.
"Hi Astrid"he said with out raising his body at all.
She looked at Hiccup "I'm sorry I yelled at you I was scared."
"I know"he said quietly. There was a pause before the scribbles continued.
Astrid dismounted Stormfly and let her play with toothless.
Hiccup didn't look up from the dirt.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you, I don't want to hurt you anymore."
Astrid sat beside him "hurt me? How?"
" I put us in dumb situations and it ends up with you getting cut."
Astrid looked up and gave a slight smile.
"It's only fun if you get a scar out of it,"
"No it's not" said hiccup. "Astrid I know you're tough,but getting hurt doesn't make you braver or stronger." Hiccup sighed. "Dodging does. Just promise me you will learn how to dodge,please?"
Astrid found his eyes "I promise Hiccup I would be more then happy to."
Hiccup faced her and smiled.
"Thank you I, hey Astrid have you been crying?"
She looked down as her eyes started tearing up again.
"Umm well," her tears rolled quickly as she put her face in her hands. Hiccup moved closer to help.
"Oh my gods did I cause this.im so sorry I shouldn't have slammed the door..."
She hugged him from the side.
It's not your fault Hiccup,it's just, I haven't heard I love you a long time.
He looked at her face, puffy and red as she kept crying. "What?" He asked confused
She sighed and wiped the tears from her face.
"Ever sense my dads mom died he has had a different way of showing affection. He hasn't said I love you to me sense I was 14."
She sniffed and took a breath.
"He loves me but he won't say it.Its been harder these last few years."
Hiccup hugged her back. The was no discomfort between the two.
"I'm so sorry that happened" said Hiccup as he wiped the tears from her eyes
She laughed a little, "yeah heh,it is what it is"
She looked down and then back up to Hiccup.
"I love you two"she said
She placed a kiss in his cheek and put her face on his chest. He put his arms on her back and they took in each other's company.
"I always have"

When Astrid got home she stood in the doorway.Her father sat eating at the table.
She squeezed her hand then spoke.
"I love you dad"

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