Kissing astrid

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Time period: a little before to around rtte so age 17-18

"Astrid you ate too much again didn't you?" Hiccup asked as he saw her lying down in the infirmary.

"Gee how did ya guess?" She answered

Sometimes Astrid are too fast and gave herself a stomach ache. It happened a little more then it should have.
"Why are you here? She inquired

"It's embarrassing" he replied hesitantly

"What could possibly be more embarrassing then eating too much?"

Hiccup sighed, "alright but don't tell anyone, I was trying to climb the wall of the dragon academy so I could put a rope going from the door to the stable. This would allow me to enter through the top of the chains and zip line down. I however fell and now my back hurts."

Astrid took a sip of her tea and acknowledged the idea. " that's a really good idea but why would you want to keep it a secret?"

Hiccup sat down on a chair " I don't want Snotlout to know I'm gonna scare the pants of him."

Astrid looked over to him, " is this about the bet on the first one to scream loses? No way all my money was on you."

"What? Why?" He said as he threw a pillow at her. "Astrid," he playfully remarked "you're the worst"

Hiccup was greeted by the village healer, Gothie and Astrid fell asleep . But she did not forget Hiccups new plan.

By nighttime the group was eating a meal in the great hall before they made their way to the arena.

Tuffnut kept throwing chicken bones at Snotlout, in hopes that he would scream and he could win the bet. But by some miracle Snotlout stayed calm. Fish legs sat next to Hiccup as he drew practiced drawing the scales of a schauldron.

Astrid showed up with her plate and began whispering something to Snotlout.

As much as she hated Snotlout she hated losing even more.
Hiccup knew what she was up to and kicked out a different chair as a distraction. While she looked away he had enough time to stand up and give her the death stare.

She realized she'd have to be more sneaky then that and accepted this new challenge, tell Snotlout about the zip line.

Wrong decision.

It went on for days!

He'd catch her by the docks, in her stealth steps, sneaking off to find someone to tell.
Or before closing the arena for the she'd try to let the twins know.

She would always give herself away too, she always had a big smirk on her face before she left giving Hiccup just enough time to stop her.
By the end of the week things were getting out of hand.

His eyes were on her every second, even after she won the who screams first bet. It was crazy, she'd try to talk to Snotlout faster and laugh before he could say a word only to pulled back by Hiccup.

At one point she was truly going for it, she ran toward Snoutlout after pretending to be fixing her boots and was seconds from telling him.

Hiccup had enough. "Not today Astrid!" He pulled her behind the sea cliff. He tried his best to restrain her but she was stronger and easily overpowered him.

" Give it up Hiccup you're gonna lose!" She teased.

No! Hiccup could not lose the bet, no way! Not in front of Astrid! Not this week!

She bit his arm and he recoiled back setting her almost free. That's when Hiccup did the last thing he could think of .

He said with a surprise, "is that a Change wing?"while she was distracted he pulled Astrid into his chest and kissed her.
She was taken back at the sheer will Hiccup had to win this bet and finally let him win.
She held his hands and leaned toward allowing her tongue to meet his.
Her mouth was comforting and he felt her smile through his lips.

After a few moments they broke apart and caught their breath.

After a little breathing Astrid playfully punched Hiccup in the lightest way probably ever. She avoided eye contact with her flushed face and gleeful smile as she said. "Well then,"
"I suppose I can keep my mouth shut this time"
There was a moment of silence as Hiccup smirked at her. She looked down with her smile still on her face.

"Ummmm anyway we should get back to the group they probably want to see us." She laughed completely flustered.

Hiccup traced the side of her crown to her jaw as he backed up, "yeah, they  probably do."
He began walking toward the arena not only with pride from knowing he'd won the bet,
but also with the knowledge that he made a warrior princess speechless.
All by kissing Astrid.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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