A slippery confession part 1

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(time period, after 1st movie- 15 years old)

"I can't believe you jumped after I said not to!"
Astrid was yelling as hiccup opened his eyes.
"What how long was I out?"
"Thirty minutes." Said Astrid as she turned her back on hiccup resting in his bed.
Out of everything I tell you not to do you don't listen anyway!What if you broke your neck! You know that's my biggest fear."
Hiccup sat upright.
"But I didn't, I knew I was gonna fall correctly I only sprained my leg."
Astrid turned back "ONLY sprained your LEG! You were knocked out!"
"It was thirty minutes!" He retaliated, "I knew what I was doing."
" No that's a lie I saw you!"Astrid was more angry then before.
"You we're running from the wolves and jumped on that ledge,you caused a rock slide then passed out. I was there I was behind you. You had no idea if that would work."
Hiccup felt around his bed to find his prosthetic. It was dented and crushed.He looked at it
"Wow hiccup look at that! What if that was your bone."Said Astrid
"Well it wasn't! Okay!  Yeah I could have gotten hurt but look at yourself! Your ankle is constantly bloody and the bottom of your legs are bruised and cut."
Astrid looked down and saw it was true.
"The fact that you can't take care of your own self worries me so why should you be the one to tell me how to act. I'm safe most of the time, so what about this keeps you up at night."
Astrid grabbed her head,
" I told you to stay on the left and I would get the wolves to another direction. You didn't. I had it under control!"
"By under control you mean hurting yourself? Astrid,you would have had a slight chance to get away untouched! A slight chance!"
Astrid got closer to hiccup. Red with rage she hit her hand on the wall. "I was FINE you know I'm faster then you. I had a plan! It was to climb a tree but then you jumped in the way."
She put her hand on his shoulder lightly touching him. "Why did you do that you knew you would have gotten hurt!"
Hiccup in the heat of anger got out of bed and did his best to stand on the dented leg.
"Why do you think it's okay to put yourself in front of me like a human shield.It's always been this way! You act like you don't have the same skin.You aren't arrow proof! You act like you don't bleed!"
Astrid turned to him as his back was facing her.
"I'm tough enough to get a few cuts, why out of all the times did you jump in front of me?
Hiccup turned around
"Because you have always been putting yourself in danger.And I need it to stop."
He turned his back again and faced the door.
"Why does it suddenly need to stop! Why did you risk so much?!"
His voice cracked in sadness
He stared at her blinking back tears then turned around before she could say anything.
He slammed the door behind him.he didn't want rejection.
Astrid stared unblinking at the door as tears silently filled her eyes...

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