Chapter 18

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It was now May of our senior year, and Liam came up to me at my locker, as usual. Except, he had different news today. "I got in!" Liam exclaimed. "Got in?" I asked, confused. "I got in to Illinois!" he exclaimed once more. "That's great, I'm happy for you, Liam!" I said back giving him a hug. "I can't believe I actually got in, this is the greatest day ever." "Wait, you're not actually going to go there, right?" I asked him. "Why wouldn't I, Skye, it's my dream school," he responded. "I'm happy for you and all but I thought we were set on Florida," I said in a sad voice. "That was before I got accepted to my dream school, Skye, I have to take advantage of this opportunity," he said taking my hands and putting them into his.

"So you're really going to give up any future we have just to go to some school in the north?" I said, taking my hands out of his hands. "Would you chill, it's not like we have to break up because we're going to separate schools," Liam responded. "Okay, well, tell me how it would work. That's over 1,000 miles away!" I shouted at him. "We could face time and visit each other and keep in touch," he replied. "Long distance never works, Liam, and I don't want to just 'keep in touch' with you, I want to go through life with you."

"It'll be fine, I promise, Skye," he assured me. I didn't talk to him for the rest of the week and our relationship became rocky over the summer. It was now time for him to leave for Illinois.

"Come to the airport with me, please," Liam begged me. He wanted me to see him off but honestly I didn't want to see that. "No, I'm not going to watch you leave like that," I said. "Skye, we can make it work," Liam responded. "No, we can't." "Why is it an all or nothing thing for you?" he asked. "Because I know how this ends. We continue to be together for a few months, but then we grow apart, and then it's like I never knew you," I said as I started to cry. "Skye, I love you, and nothing will ever change that," he said while kissing my forehead. "You say that now but just wait a few months," I said pushing him away. "Skye, you're really starting to annoy me." "See? We're already fighting and you haven't even left yet. I give it three weeks before we breakup." "So? We've fought like this before, what's different about now?" he asked. "The difference is that you're leaving and not even trying to fight for us." "Excuse me? I have been fighting for us this whole time but you keep pushing us apart with your crazy nonsense about growing apart," Liam said, now raising his voice. "Crazy nonsense?! You know what, I don't even know you anymore, you're not the Liam Turner I fell in love with. That Liam would've fought for us."

Right then, Liam's mom walked in saying that they needed to leave. "Please, I'm begging you just come to the airport. I want to say goodbye to you," Liam said as he was heading out the door. "What if I don't want to say goodbye to you?" I asked with an attitude. "You're unbelievable. I can't even try to reason with you. I love you, Skye, but if that's not enough for you, then I can't be with you anymore," he said as he got closer to the door. "If you get on that plane, we're over," I said, giving Liam an ultimatum. I knew I was in the wrong to make him choose like this but I loved him and didn't want to see him walk out of my life again. "Then I guess we're over," he said out of frustration while he closed the door behind him. My eyes started tearing up because I didn't want this to be real. I expected him to come back and say that he will stay for me but that wasn't reality.

I eventually came to my senses and admitted to myself that I wanted to see him before he left. I was wrong and I needed to tell him. I was willing to try to make it work but only because I was so in love with him that I didn't want anyone else but him. I got into my car, started the engine and quickly exited his neighborhood. I drove all the way to the airport, hoping to see him just before he boarded. I walked down the long food court and made a few turns to find his gate. As I turned right one last time, I saw his gate and his boarding door. I ran towards the gate and looked out the huge window to see that the plane was gone. No, this couldn't be happening. I immediately broke down and cried my eyes out because this was the second time Liam has walked out of my life. I tried to call him but had had already blocked my number. He was now on his way to Champaign, Illinois and on his way to a new life. There was nothing I could do about this, he left me on his own will and I couldn't change that. "So much for a goodbye," I said under my breath as I turned around to leave the airport.

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