Chapter 7

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The next Monday at school, I quickly found Luna and Quinn and told them all about the dance on Saturday night. I even told them about how Liam made me feel. Logan was very good looking but Liam and I actually had a real connection. "Skye, that's great, but be careful. I don't want to see you get hurt. You always say you like a guy and then once you get close to him he leaves you and then we're here to pick up the pieces. And I personally don't want to see you get your heartbroken," Luna said while at her locker.

"I agree with Lu, Skye, do you and Liam a favor and don't get too close. You'll only hurt him and yourself. And then your friendship will be gone," Quinn added.

"I love our friendship, I don't want to put it in danger!" I said concerned.

"Well then our advice is to just stay friends, at least for right now," Luna replied.

"I guess you're right," I replied once more.

I have trust issues with people, mainly guys. There have been countless times in my life where people have left when they promised they would stay. I always get attached to people, then they end up leaving me heartbroken. It's hard for me to open up to people and to be in a relationship because of this. I love Liam's friendship more than anything and I don't want to threaten it with possible drama between us. He means too much to me to do that to him. But more importantly, I can't lose him.

On Thursday, I was at my locker when Max walked up to me. "Hey, Skye," he said. "Hi, Max," I replied. "How's your day?" "Um, fine, thanks for asking. How's yours?" I asked, wondering why he was talking to me out of the blue. We were friends but rarely talked unless we had a reason to. "Good. I'm glad Liam finally told you." "Told me what?" I asked. He looked confused. "How he feels about you." "Liam never told me anything like that. Did he tell you something that I don't know?" I asked. "Oh, I'm sorry. I saw you two at the dance and just assumed he had told you. My bad, never mind," Max said while walking away. "Max, wait! What did Liam say about me?" "No, no, I shouldn't tell." "Please, Max," I begged him. He finally gave in and told me how Liam felt. "Liam likes you a lot, like he has a huge crush on you." I stood there in disbelief. "Are you sure?" I asked him. "Well, not really, but like I assume he does," Max replied. "Max! Remind me to never come to you for valid information." I half joked.

The bell rang which meant that we had to go to class but I still didn't know what to think about Liam. Could that be true or was Max just making that up? No matter how I felt about him, I decided that I needed to know. Since I didn't have any more classes with him, I was going to try to catch him after school.

The final bell came, and I rushed to his locker. "Liam! Hey, do you have a minute?" "Sure," he replied. "So, Max told me something but I don't know if it's true." He looked at me with a puzzled look. "What did he say?" "He said that you liked me but I told him that was crazy," I said. "That's crazy," he laughed. I awkwardly laughed in response and turned around to walk away. "But not entirely wrong," he continued. I stopped in my tracks, listening to the words he had just said. I turned back around and looked at him. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "You know what I mean," he responded. "You like me?" I asked again. "Yeah, I mean, what's not to like about you?" he said with a smile. Inwardly, I was screaming because I was so happy but something about me froze on the outside. I remembered what Luna and Quinn said about not getting into a relationship with Liam. I know I would mess things up for us and I didn't want to do that because Liam meant too much to me.

"Could you say something so I don't feel awkward?" Liam asked me clearly not sure of how I was feeling. "Um, I-I-thank you," I blurted out. His smile went to a sad look and I could tell this wasn't going well. "I have to go," I said, knowing I would make it worse if I just stood there. Okay, that conversation was completely awkward and I really hope it didn't make our friendship weird. I really like Liam but I like him too much to do anything about it because I don't want to ruin anything we could have. I just need to wait it out to see if my feelings are real or not.

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