Chapter 12

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Christmas time was here and that meant holiday cheer. Unfortunately for me, not having Liam in my life made for a depressing Christmas. Shane and Spencer were coming home for Christmas tomorrow and I couldn't wait to see them. Shane was still at Florida State and Spencer didn't go to college but was living about twenty minutes away in his own apartment. Tonight was our annual Christmas sleepover, however, it was going to be very different this year without Quinn. I still missed her everyday and sometimes I don't even know how I get through life without her. Things really have gone down hill since her passing.

The doorbell rang and I welcomed Luna inside while she took off her coat. "Are you ready for an awesome night?!" she exclaimed. "Yeah," I said in a sad voice. She immediately knew who I was thinking of. "I know, it's going to be different this year, but she would want us to have fun. So let's have fun, for her," she reassured me. I smiled in response and took her coat to hang on the rack. She set her stuff down by the stairs and followed me into the kitchen. "Wow, you really went all out," she commented after seeing the decorations I had put up. We started decorating cookies and doing all of our traditions.

A couple hours had passed, and it was time for bed. We finished watching one of the classic Hallmark movies and got ready to go to sleep. "Skye, I don't think you should give up," Luna said as we had turned out the lights. "Give up on what?" I asked her as the room was now dark. "I don't think you should give up on Liam. If you love him, you need to show him by fighting for him. I wholeheartedly support you now." "Thanks, Lu," I said back to her. "Now that you mention it," I said as I was getting up to turn the lights on. "Why'd you do that, Skye, it's so bright now," Luna laughed. "I want to show you something," I said as she was sitting up. I pulled a box out from underneath my bed and lifted the top. Inside there were hundreds of letters folded up, each dated a separate date.

"What is this?" she asked, looking through the pile of letters. "These are all the letters I have written to Liam, one for every day that we've been apart. Well, one for every day that he's been like this," I told her. "I'm too scared to mail them but here is where I pour out all of my feelings for him." She began reading one and told me, "Skye, you need to send these." "What?! Are you crazy? I could never let him see these," I quickly said. "Then why did you write them? You clearly imagined him reading these when you wrote them," she responded. "But there's like a hundred here," I said as an excuse. "So? We're gonna mail these tonight," she said, picking up the box and putting her shoes on. "What? Luna! Tonight?! Get back here!" I whispered. I didn't want to wake anyone with the noise we were making. "Come on, you never know what could happen," Luna said as she was walking out of my bedroom door. I got up from the floor and ran after her.

"He'll think I'm crazy!" I said to her as we were walking down the stairs. "It's not like he doesn't already think that," Luna joked. "Shut up!" I laughed back. "Lu, the postal office is not even open at this hour." "Who said anything about the postal office?" she smirked while grabbing her coat. "No, no, no, no, we are NOT going to his house at this time of night to give him a bunch of love letters from me!" I whispered, hoping my parents wouldn't wake up. "We'll take our bikes and we'll be back in half an hour, come on," she said as she motioned me out the door. I put my shoes on and followed her into the cold night. "It's freezing out here!" "Don't be such a baby, get a coat," Luna said as she pulled our bikes around to the front of the house.

"This is such a bad idea," I mumbled after I grabbed a coat and walked back outside. We started pedaling down the driveway with the box of letters in Luna's bike basket. We biked for about fifteen minutes before pulling up to Liam's house. "Lu, I can't do this. This is too embarassing. I'm going home," I said as I turned my bike around. "No, you can do this," Luna reassured me again. "Fine," I agreed while taking the box into my hands. I walked up the sidewalk to his house and placed the box right in front of his front door. I saw a light turn on in the window next to me so I sprinted back to Luna and our bikes and we rode out of there faster than ever. "Wasn't that a fun thrill?" Luna laughed as we were riding back to my house. "That almost gave me a heart attack, Lu, what were we thinking?!" I said back. We both laughed at what we had just done and finally got back to my house.

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