Chapter 5

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Second semester was officially here and that meant more school, more drama, and more newspaper club meetings.

Another thing I was excited about was the annual dodgeball tournament. This would be the 4th year my school would have the tournament and the first year I would be able to compete in it. Except, girls don't play. The girls get a group of 6 guys together to play while the girls coach them. It sounds super fun and I love dodgeball, so why not?

In 4th period, we were handed out flyers for the tournament and I started to think of the 6 guys I would choose. However, I needed another coach since there had to be two to a team. There are plenty of athletic guys in the school and I know just the 6 we need to win.

Marisol turned around to face me and asked if I wanted to coach with her. I obviously said yes and I was excited about how good our team was going to be. She would organize the practices and jerseys while I would pick the 6 most athletic guys in the school.

I quickly was able to gather the 6 guys and gave them to Marisol to be fitted for jerseys. We were so confident we were going to win. We had the best guys and the best uniforms.


A couple weeks went by and the tournament was in five days. I was so excited! After school, Marisol came up to me.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey, Skye, I need to talk to you."

"What's up?" I said.

Marisol's face dropped. "Well, the thing is, I forgot to tell you something. I forgot I originally told Tori she could coach with me. I'm sorry, I'm so forgetful! Oh, but thanks for giving me the most athletic guys, you were such a great help!"

What a jerk! She couldn't possibly be saying this right now. I put my time and energy into this and now I'm not even part of the team? Who does she think she is?

I wanted to cry but I needed to let it go. That's when I got a great idea. I'll just get my own team together last minute! But how am I supposed to get the nerdy guys to become athletic in just five days!

Since Quinn and I were on good terms now, I can ask her to coach with me!

I walked up to her locker and asked if she wanted to coach with me. She surprisingly said yes so that made me feel better about this idea. Now, I just needed 6 guys. All of the athletic guys were already on Marisol's team, but I still had hope. Maybe I could ask the Turner brothers.

During 5th period, I had biology while Logan and Liam had Spanish. When the bell rang dismissing class, I quickly walked to their Spanish class to ask them. I saw Logan first so I asked him first.

"Hey, Logan" I said while he was trying to walk out of class.

"You're talking to the wrong brother," he replied which made me laugh.

"Do you want to be on my dodgeball team?" I asked with a smile.

"Ask the blond one," he replied once more while leaving. His response didn't offend me as much as I thought it was. Probably because I was running on adrenaline and was trying to catch Liam as well before he left.

So, I walked over to Liam scared that he would say no. "Hey, Liam, do you want to be on my dodgeball team? I really need people and I don't have anyone."

"Yeah that sounds like fun," he said. That was surprising, he usually doesn't like anything to do with sports or activity.

So, I quickly thanked him and walked out of the classroom trying to find Quinn. As I found her at her locker, I said, "Ok, we have one player so far but I'm trying to figure out who else to ask." "Who do we have?" Quinn asked. "Liam, I tried to get Logan but he didn't seem interested." "Of course," Quinn laughed. "What?" I asked confused. "Of course Liam would say yes," she replied again. "Why? He hates these kinds of things," I said still not aware of what she was saying. "Yeah I know that which is obviously why he said yes only because he likes you." "I don't know how many times I have to tell you guys this, Liam Turner does not like me!" I said a little louder than I should have.

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