3. Building our Home.

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(Once again from Toxic's PoV)

"I was thinking Kingdom Ace."

"Kingdom Ace?? That's so lame!" I said. Quinn sighed, "Yeah thought so. I came up with it the spot." Jay laughed a bit. "That's big oof," Choco said. "Well does anybody have something else in mind?" Quinn said. Banji thought for a moment before giving a simple "I dunno" noise.

"Why not just use one of those websites that generates a random name?" I said. It wasn't very long before I heard Quinn practically keyboard smashing as they looked up some websites. After a moment, the gasped and whispered "yesss". Jay chuckled. "I'm assuming you found something?" she said. "Yup!" Quinn replied happily, "Niirus!" There was a chorus (myself included) of 'yes' and 'pog' heard in our VC. "And so it begins. Niirus will RULE this server!" Quinn yelled.

We all chatted for a bit more before a few (myself included) had to log off due to what time it was for us. Quinn stayed online because they're an American that thinks they don't need sleep. We said our goodbyes and I headed to bed.

Quinn's PoV.

As the others left the Vc, I was once again alone. I sighed. I had ended my stream a while ago and my brothers wouldn't be home for another couple hours so it was truly just me and my thoughts. I headed to my half-built home and began working on it more and seeing what I still needed. I gathered everything and filled in what needed done. By the time I had finished, the clock read 2:37 AM.

I sighed, causing the pink strands of hair in front of my face to seem as though they were flowing in a summer breeze. I heard keys in the door downstairs, assuming my brothers were finally home. They'd been out drinking with their friends to celebrate one of them getting engaged. I had declined the offer, despite knowing the two of them would be drunk off their asses. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, grabbing two water bottles from the cooler I kept in the corner of my room, walking to the bottom of the stairs, and saying "hey losers, catch" and tossing one to each of them. My older brother, Matt, shook his head in thanks, his ginger and purple colored hair falling over his eyes a bit as usual. My twin, Cody, gave me a drunken smile. He was clearly wasted. That'll be fun to deal with tomorrow, I thought to myself. I headed back upstairs, deciding to get a shower.

After I had finished, I threw on an old NASA hoodie and some shorts, both being stained by either bleach or grass for some reason or another. I decided sleep isn't for the weak tonight and started a stream once again. I had my "streaming soon" banner displayed on the screen as I logged into Minecraft, the song Ain't Misbehaving by Fats Waller playing softly. ((It's a good song, check it out (: )) As the song came to an end, I turned of the music and turned on my web cam.

"Heya guys, 3 AM stream poooog..." I sighed, chuckling quietly as chat said their 'hellos' and 'hiii's. "So you're probably wondering why I'm streaming at such a weird time." I zoomed my webcam in father on my face. "Chat, I can't fucking sleep. So we're gonna start a project. If you were on mine, Toxicat, Banji aka Player One, Choco or Blue Jay's stream, you know we started a nation called Niirus. So I'm gonna get supplies. We're talkin Netherite gear, Gapples, enchanted bows. All the good shit. We're fuckin' grinding tonight, chat." I put my webcam back to were the zoom is usually set to them pointed directly at it. "You can't stop me."

Just then, my door was slammed open. "Go the fuck to sleep, it's after 3 in the morning!" Matt yelled. I spun in my chair to face him. "You're one to talk, Mr. I-just-got-home!" I retaliated with a smile. "Fair point," he said with a laugh, "just don't be too loud, Cody and I are going to bed." I gave a mock salute and he nodded, shutting the door behind him. I watched as chat flooded with Omegaluls and some variations of Edme's famous quote, "get got".

"Okay, Edme stans, cool your jets. Let's get to work." And so for the next two hours, I spent my time getting Netherite and diamonds. It proved relatively easy to find the shiny blue minerals that were oh so useful considering the ravine that was not too far from my house (if you can call a 3 by 3 dirt shack in the middle of the woods a house). I had ended up with around half a stack of both. 35 diamonds and 29 Netherite, to be exact. I smiled as I worked, weapons and tools being my main focus for now. We ended up with an axe and a sword for each of us. I once again smiled, storing everything in the Ender chest I had made at the beginning of the stream.

"Well, chat. It's like 5 am or somewhere close to that and I need sleep. So expect either no stream today or one closer to this afternoon or evening. Good night everybody!" And with that I ended the stream, finally settling in and going to bed.

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