4. Tunnels and Server Ops.

630 26 11

Itzel (FallingFireFern)

At the moment, I wasn't streaming. Instead, I was working on escape tunnels with Edme. We knew chaos was quickly coming, especially after the first day. By now there was a group of five in the server, I could tell they were planning something. So we worked on tunnels to get away if needed, Edme placing ice behind me as I mined through stone and different ores.

We agreed to stick together, the two of us becoming quick friends. We had also agreed to do our work off stream so nobody but us knew where they were. If nobody but us knows, we could easily run if and when we get caught in the crossfire. We kept friendly conversations about the server and what we think will happen and when we took breaks from making the tunnels, our topics ranged from games to streaming to types of music. It was peaceful for a good while until we saw a new person join the server. Squiddy is what their gamer tag read. After them came two more names, Quinn and Eliecraft_.

"Wanna go investigate?" Edme spoke. "Sure, why not," I responded. We made our way to spawn, exiting through the tunnel that let out in the birch forest near spawn. We walked to spawn and sure enough, there was Quinn and two others. The two had matching skins, one being a more feminine version of the other.

<Edme7: Hi there>
<Eliecraft_: Hello!>
<Squiddy: Hi>
<Quinny: Join g2?>

Edme and I had looked at each other and after a moment nodded, deciding to join their vc. When we joined, Quinn's loud voice spoke up. "Hi guys! This is Elie and Eli! You can probably guess who's who." They were somehow energetic despite streaming until 5 AM just earlier today. "Well, I'm Edme and that's FallingFireFern," Edme spoke up, directed at the twins.

"These twins are sus, I wanna go back to the tunnels," I said, my voice monotone. Quinn and Elie laughed as Squiddy made a noise of offense. "What the hell do you mean sus?!" he yelled over the two. "More importantly, what tunnels??" Quinn said through their own wheezes. Edme turned and hit me, shaking her head. "Ey, ey, I'm sorry!" I yelled in defense. The twins looked at each other while Quinn stepped between us, attempting to de-escalate the situation for whatever reason.

"Aight what was that about tunnels??" they said. "Nothing!" Edme and I shouted, my tone a bit more unsure the her's. "And you said we're sus," Elie said with a chuckle. Edme groaned in frustration. "I just wanted to build stuff in peace..." Squiddy laughed. "Nope, sorryyyy," he said. "Goodbye." I watched as Edme's icon in the Discord call disappeared and moved to General 1 so I followed suit, assuming she was going to work more on the tunnels. We headed to the tavern we'd made and entered the tunnels through the hidden basement. We resumed our conversation and tasks from before. It was peaceful again for a while until the twins joined the vc.

"Heyyyy guys," Elie started, Squiddy joining in with a "Yo." Edme and I sighed. "Not again..." I mumbled. "Nice tunnels ya got here," Elie said. I turned around after hearing a hiss, thinking it was a creeper and being met with at least a stack's worth of TnT. "Edme move!" I yelled, placing water near it and sprinting away with Edme trailing close behind.

We ran as quickly as we could, me being scared shitless. We ran until we found a dead end. When we turned to go a different direction, we were met with a crossbow and a diamond sword in our faces. We had no armor and stone tools on us. There was no way we would be able to fight. Our only option was flight. I looked around to try and find a way out. I found none. Then I remembered the splash invis potion I had found in a jungle temple. I threw it down, turning all four of us invisible. I ran toward the passage way that lead to the nether portal near spawn, ducking in and finding my nether home and hiding inside it. The first time I'd been to the nether on this server, I had made a house as a "just incase" type of thing. Didn't think I'd actually need it. I quickly logged off of the server, sighing to myself.

Next time a get on should definitely be interesting.

The Gen Z SMP - An SMP ficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें