Lads and Ladies, Introducing...

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I know damn well what you're thinking.

'Omg, it's Confederate!'

Let me fix that for you, I USE to be the confederate states. Yeah shit hit the fan in the civil war and I... HE caused some stuff.


I am more like the south states, and Yankee is the North states. I follow the rules he set for me (mostly) and everything works out for us.
Everyone does think I'm dead if I say so myself. I mean, it's not like only three people saw me.

Who where those somewhat three people?

And Ireland.

You also may be thinking about how Northy and me reefer to eachother.
He calls me Dix or South.
I call him Jackass, Yankee, or Northy.

Where was I going with this?
Oh yeah...

So we have this morning plan.

I usually wake him up cause dudes lazy as hell.

Wait a fucking moment...



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