Pt.2: Defilement Of a Name

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Blood warning.
Transphobic comment


_______-Young Eric POV-_______ 1765___

'You should do it again.'

The annoying persistent voice in my head said.

I looked at the folded peice of clothing, frustrated, again.

Quickly I grabbed it to do it for the fifth time, no more, no less.

The door creaked open and I looked at my brother.

"Still doing the cloths?" He asked, I don't know why but something about him is starting to bug me, like he was merely a curtain blocking something nasty...

"Yeah, you finished sweeping?" I answered.

South sighed.

"You can just skip it and we can go out to the feilds?" He asked me.

My heart lunged.

"No, no I have to finish." I replied.

My brother closed the door and I listened to him go into the main room.

I looked back at the laundry.

'You waited too long, do it again.'


I jumped looking at the window, which had made a noise.


The two nations turned and glared at eachother.

"Fuck off it was my idea." France threatened Spanish Empire.

"Oh, look at me I'm France and everything was my idea not the group! You can go die in a hole." Spanish Empire mocked France.

"What are you guys doing here!?" I whisper yelled while walking up to the window.

"You said you want to start a revolution, and we decided why would we miss out this apportunity to make Britain more hissy."

I stood quietly.

"And what part of that plan says, 'hey, let's go sneak into Britains territory and open the colonies window to see if he's home.'"

'Shit, I forgot South is in the other room, they will go insane if they find out there is two of us.'

"All of it." Spanish Empire said before France could say anything.

I looked back at my door.

"Can you go to the lake? I need to finish this before we can talk."


_______________-Canada POV-____________

Sirens were wailing in my ears in the dark of the night, flares erupting in the sky while gunshots from planes illuminated their fugures.

I looked back at the helicopter, trying to look through the rain pummeling down.

A few other countries were trying to get a signal on the armies location.

Running forward I slipped through the puddles towards a clearing, Sweden was already there.

I lifted a peice of debri, trying to clear a path.

Someone yelped in the distance.

Quickly turning around I saw the figure of the other country, hunched over.

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