The Fire Will Spread.

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:blood, (shell shock?), ptsd flashback,
-Canadas POV-


'He's coming.'

My heartbeat could barely keep up with my own adrenaline rushing through me.

I heard the Irishman scream in the back of the house as I frantically pounded against the locked front door.

I ran between windows trying to find a window that wasn't barred.

I couldn't stop the tears anymore.

I grabbed a nearby vase and threw it through a window, shattering the tinted window, I raced to it grabbing the bars and trying to break them off.

Ireland stopped screaming after the sound of something shattering echoed through the house.


'He's behind me.'


I ran out of the house ignoring the roaring pain in my head, my ears were ringing and my breath hitched.

I didn't stop running even as I approached the heavy wall of fog rolling into the clearing the house was in.

I reached the barrier and turned my head around to look at the window and the bars I broke through.

I stopped as I saw no one follow me.

Soon the only thing I concentrated on was my irregular breathing and the ringing in my ears.

I blinked.

And he was suddenly looking at me through the broken window.

I heard a scream, unsure if that was me or someone else.

I turned and ran through the fog unable to see anything.


My legs were begining to give out, but I couldn't stop the want to get away from that house.

I kept barreling through the fog and trees no longer on a path, but just simply running.

I heard a few shouts nearby paying no attention.


I couldn't keep the running up, I was limping and jogging trying to keep going.

Someone was nearby.

"CANADA?" I dashed through the fog and hit the smaller nation.

"RUN!" I yelled in my exhaustion and confusion.

"Canada! Calm down, what happened? Why are you running?" Peru asked me, suddenly I felt the pain catch up, soon the world began sinking around me into darkness.


I stared off in the distance where my dad left.

It happened so fast I didn't know what happened.

"Canada, you're coming with me." The British man told me grabbing my arm.

"Is dad coming back?" My voice cracked.

"No, I'm your caretaker now, and I'm going to let you meet your new brother." Britain dragged me down a hallway

I remembered something.

'Is this the hallway I met New England?'

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