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"Pay attention, Lindsay... Where do we start?"

"I think they've left us alone in the kitchen."

"All right, take that ladle and bang the walls... don't' forget about the fireplaces..." I take a spatula while she copies my movements on the other side of the room trying to be careful and not to dent Mrs. Dunn's ladle; that's very smart since she'll probably stop baking delicious cakes if she gets furious with us... I check every wall and corner but everything seems to be solid stone or bricks... We both walk slowly dodging tables and benches getting closer to the centre of the room till we meet in front of the medieval fireplace where they used to roast chickens. "We haven't found anything, I've already checked the pantry so we'll need to find a different empty room on the ground floor... Damn it, Lindsay! Why is your castle so awfully big?"

Iselen doesn't answer but stares at me pensively and quietly, the same way she's been looking at me since I arrived some minutes ago, I don't know what's wrong with her today, honestly... She's behaving oddly. And she's kissed me in front of my family not caring about who was looking at us. If I didn't know her well, I'd think she's been drinking... Anyway, we haven't found anything here so I take one step to one side to walk towards the door and leave but her body stops me when she moves to stand in front of me blocking the way. I'm starting to get upset...

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I think I'm falling in love with you, Ruby Rose, maybe I already am..." I open my mouth wide in shock for a second unable to believe what she's said, all of a sudden, just like that... She must be joking but I fail to see the humour. I move again trying to leave the kitchen as fast as I can but her body blocks me, again and again, I try to dodge her but she's more agile and steps back till her shoulders are leaned on the wooden door blocking the exit. So that's how it is? I try to turn around and run towards the backyard door but I've barely moved when she holds my arm carefully and takes advantage of her military training to push me against a wall gently, leaning her hands both sides of my head stopping me from trying to escape again. "Baby, please..."

"Let me go..." I growl angrily, I can hear the bitter tone and a hint of hysteria in my voice and that doesn't bode well for her. The stupid Lindsay is about finding herself confronting a raging Murray and she won't like that.


"Because we need to keep looking for that priest hole if we want to find the document and save our villages, we have work to do, do you remember? There's no time to..."

"I love you, Ruby, my feelings won't disappear and you can't run away from them..."

"You don't love me, you've said you think you do... You aren't sure..." I put my hands on her shoulders to try to push her away but the damned soldier stays firm as a rock and I can't help shuddering when feeling her strength and determination.

"I'm sure..." she whispers moving her face closer to mine, her mouth grazes my lips and they start tingling recognizing their playmate, her taste and sweetness are tantalizingly close and my legs start shaking. Only Iselen can get that reaction from me... "Ruby, you're wonderful, brilliant, funny, smart, vibrant, generous, beautiful and sensual... Extravagant, one of a kind, a Murray... I've fallen in love with everything that makes you special, please, I don't want to put you in a cage, I don't want to change you... I want to live new adventures with you..."

"I'm not going to... I'm not right for you, for this place..." I point around me feeling that I'm drowning under the weight of responsibility: I thought Falkland looked like a solemn museum but now I believe it's a dark and horrible dungeon where this woman wants to lock me up. I feel I'm on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

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