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It's going to start raining again soon, those dark grey clouds swirling in the sky don't look good... Damn, why did I send her a message to tell her that we'd meet here, in the middle of the forest? She could've come to my house or I could've gone to hers and we could've been talking calmly sipping at our tea or beer, but no, I let Murrays' dramatic mood to take control and set a date in the clearing where our families have been arguing for centuries. Some flowers are scattered on the grass, I think spring is coming finally, but the wind is cold today. I fix the scarf with the colours of my family around my neck and walk towards the ruins on one side, according to old stories it was a watchtower that protected the route back in the Middle Ages and where they collected taxes from the farmers who went to Stirling market. There's barely a circle of stones left on the ground and some small walls standing but they provide shelter against the wind and a cornice will cover my head if it starts raining.

I don't even know what I'm going to tell her... I know what I want, I want to find that damned document, ruin the plans of that stupid Williamson and then pack my things, travel far and forget about everything, forget her... but I know I can't do it and it upsets me. Murrays have always been free, coming and going at our whim not caring about responsibilities, there was always someone ready to take care of the county in our absence and we took turns managing it. But my dad died after a long illness, my mum ran away to deal with her sorrow traveling to exotic countries and I don't have siblings to leave in charge... only Lennox, but my cousin knows about fashion and tie knots, not about cows and hotel management. I'm the only Murray left on the main line, the Right Honourable Countess of Dunira, and the title is heavier than ever before because it ties me to this place in the worst moment... when I'm so scared that I just want to run away.

I'm not stupid: I admit Iselen terrifies me. She's sweet, lovely, pretty, so serious and responsible that my fingertips tingle of desire every time I think of making a mess of her ponytail and unbuttoning her shirt to give her a more dishevelled look. I've spent the funniest evenings this year searching in her library and I prefer to go there, reading dusty old documents and eating delicious cakes, than go to the pub or one of those parties that my cousin likes to organize from time to time. I just wanted to enjoy a challenge, wrinkled sheets and entwined bodies, the Duchess of Falkland surrendering under the hands and mouth of the Countess of Dunira... and then forget her and move on with my life. I'm a Murray, I'm not ready for a commitment, but Iselen is all duty and responsibility, a perfect woman to settle down and have a family. My skin crawls thinking about it.

Unfortunately, that kiss made a mess. My impulsive blood forced me to run into a stable on fire and I realized soon that I was trapped and the smoke in my lungs was weakening me, I wouldn't be able to crawl back to the main door and I was going to die suffocated in that place; I wouldn't be the first Murray who dies doing something stupid, we can't help getting in trouble all the time. But a soldier came out of nowhere to save my life and release the horses quickly, effectively and without unnecessary drama... Oh my God, I was so happy to see her, Iselen was there and I wasn't going to die alone, I held onto her body despite my lungs were burning more and more and the first breath of clean, fresh and sweet air carried a subtle hint of her perfume that melted my brain... I had to kiss her and couldn't control myself, even if she smelled of smoke and sweat, her taste was amazing and her toned body felt good under me. I felt safe when she put her arms around my waist and didn't let me go even if my cousin arrived to help us along with the paramedics.

But later, that night, while I was resting lying on my bed, ignoring my nanny while she grumbled about the Murrays and their crazy ideas... I got scared, because the Countess of Dunira was falling head over heels for the Duchess of Falkland and karma was going to kick my ass, not hers. That's why I'm here to set things straight before the situation becomes uncontrollable, and I'm angry against myself because Murrays aren't this coward usually and we don't chicken out in front of a challenge, but my neighbour is too dangerous for me.

Love your Enemy (Ruby Rose fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum