Chapter 112- The Final Black Jacket Service Part 2/2

Start from the beginning

With a quick glance at Gordon, who is watching Christina's team, I decide to be proactive and check what Abel needs. I head into the kitchen and to Abel, who looks up from where he's crouching in front of the cupboard beside the stove with a smile when I approach.

"Everything OK? Did I leave everything where it's supposed to be?" I ask.

"Yes, Chef, you did. Sorry to draw you over, I have everything I need now," he says, standing and looking over his two cooking salmon.

"Alright, glad there are no problems," I say before heading back to the front. I know he had to be doing something, but I trust him to have told me if he needed anything or if something was wrong.

Abel follows a minute later with his beautifully cooked salmon, and Taylor brings up her meat after him. Bella, however, is still furiously working at the garnish station when she should have brought up her garish before Abel or Taylor.

"Bella, what's taking so long?" I ask.

She doesn't respond.

"Bella, hello?" I say a bit louder, to no response.

I walk over to her station and look down at her stove, where she's got garnish for all five of the dishes on, none of them looking done.

"What's going on here, Bella?" I ask.

She looks up at me, tears in her eyes. "I have to go to the bathroom so bad, (Y/N), so I couldn't concentrate on the garnish and then I burnt everything, so I put it all in the garbage and then I ran out of potatoes so I had to peel some more and-" She takes a few rapid breaths, cutting off her sentence.

"If you need to go just tell me, I'm sure any of the others would be happy to hold your station for you. There's no need to stress yourself over it," I say. "Taylor, would you finish Bella's garnish so she can go to the restroom?"

"On it, Chef!" Taylor salutes then rushes to Bella's stove, taking over.

"Thanks, (Y/N)," Bella says before rushing out of the kitchen to the bathroom.

When I reach the front again, Gordon nods at me.

"Excellent work handling Bella and being aware that she needed something. Always keep your team on track just like that," Gordon praises.

I duck my head, smiling at his compliment but trying to keep my expression off the cameras. "Thank you, Chef."

"No, thank you, Chef," he says, nudging my side with his elbow playfully.

When Taylor delivers the garnish a minute later, Gordon shows me how to plate the lamb beautifully and I follow up with plating the Wellies and salmon after checking over them to make sure they are still warm enough.

Bella returns after I call the next ticket and looks much more composed, which she proves when she brings up the next ticket's garnish perfectly made and on-time.

"Nicely done, Bells," I compliment her, receiving a beaming smile in return.

"Thanks, (Y/N). And thanks for not getting mad earlier."

"I know how hard it is to concentrate when you really have to go, it's no problem," I say, waving a hand dismissively.

"But even so, thanks," she says sincerely. As she's about to head back to her station, Gordon stops her.

"Your thanks is all well and good, but call (Y/N) 'Chef' while she's leading the pass. A show of respect goes a long way," he says firmly.

"Y-yeah, OK Chef. Thanks, Chef. You, Chef, I mean. Chef (Y/N)," she trips over her words before awkwardly leaving the pass.

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