Chapter 125- Cooked to Perfection?

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Monday, July 22nd, 2013

"This is the first finale to take place outside of the US. I wonder what it'll be like," Abel muses, his hand resting on my upper leg as we are chauffeured to the set.

"I have no idea, I hope the kitchen setup isn't too different. I don't want to have to get used to a whole new setting while trying to get everything in order," I say with worry.

"Certainly Chef Ramsay understands the importance of a familiar workspace. I wouldn't be anxious about that." He runs his hand idly across my thigh. "What about your team? Are you worried about anything to do with them?"

I take a moment to consider his question. My team is comprised of Taylor, Bella, Shaun, and... Garrett. I cringe inwardly.

"Yeah. Garrett thinks it's my fault he got kicked off the show. But I'm sure it woulda been fine if he'd just told-" I catch myself from saying Gordon, remembering we'd put on mics before entering the limo- "Chef Ramsay about getting blood in the fryer."

"Do you think he's going to cause problems for you?"

"Well, I'm trying to keep him doing the simplest of tasks, but I'm ready to work with a reduced team if he starts something. What about your team? What do you think of them?"

"I'm pleased to have Dave. During my time working with him, he was always the most eager to listen and learn. And, of course, Mary is a fantastic chef as well. As far as Gina goes, I don't know much about her, but she seems serious enough about putting in effort that I trust her."

"And Kalyani?" I ask hesitantly.

"With her having been sent over to the blue team early in the show, I know her mannerisms well. She'll do excellent work for me, I'm sure of it."

The limo pulls to a stop, and I peer out the window beside Abel. The characteristic trident and giant steel HK letters stand in all their glory outside of a short staircase blanketed with a gorgeous red carpet that leads to a pair of glass doors. The necklace Gordon had gotten for me, the gorgeous ruby surrounded in diamonds, rests comfortably underneath my shirt. I absentmindedly pat my pants pocket where the package Tana had given me is tucked away. I'd barely remembered to grab it before the crew arrived and still have yet to open it.

The chauffeur gets out and opens the door to the limo for us. Abel slips out of the limo and holds a hand out to me, which I take gratefully.

"Remember, take it easy. If you need anything at all, let me know, alright?" Abel says as we ascend the staircase.

"Of course," I nod, looping my arm through his.

The set team worked wonders, it appears, as the entire building looks like they picked up and air dropped the set of Hell's Kitchen from California to London. Even the picture frames are in the same place as we walk down the long hallway to the dining room. When we turn the corner, Gordon greets us with a wide grin.

"Welcome, Hell's Kitchen finalists!" Gordon winks. "Ready to prep for your final dinner service?"

"Yes, Chef!" We respond.

"Excellent." Gordon rubs his hands together before clapping. "(Y/N), you'll have the left kitchen and Abel, you'll have the right. The others will arrive in a few minutes, but take some time to explore your surroundings before they get here. If you need anything, let me know."

"Yes, Chef!" We say again.

He opens his palm, ushering us toward the kitchens. Curiosity about the box Tana had given me itches in the back of my mind, so instead I head for the restrooms on the right side of the room. Gordon watches me with an inquisitive look as I disappear into the women's bathrooms.

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