Chapter 109- Adrenaline

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Friday, July 19, 2013

I can't help thinking that I should have brought my necklace with me to complete my outfit as I get dressed. The moment I finish putting on my sundress, there is a knock.

"Darling?" Gordon's voice is muffled through the wood of the bedroom door. I glance over at where Abel is laying in bed on top of the sheets, shirtless and wearing black sweatpants.

"Go on, sweetheart. Don't worry if you wake me when you get back, I'll be happy to see you," he says while I smooth out my dress.

I nod, smiling as I reach for the doorknob. When I open the door, Gordon lowers his knuckles from where he'd been about to knock again and instead reaches for my hand, looking eager.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks, his gaze trailing down my body appreciatively. His eyes linger on the partially-exposed hickey before snapping back to my face when I speak.

"Yeah, I am. See you soon, Abel," I say over my shoulder.

"Can't wait," he says in return, and my cheeks turn pink as I close the door behind me with my free hand.

I expect him to ask about the hickey, but Gordon just tugs me towards the exit, eager to get to wherever he has planned. When we reach the door to the hallway, Gordon pulls it open and reluctantly releases my hand. "Let's hurry to the car, I'm not going to be able to keep myself from holding you for long," Gordon says, holding the door open for me.

I slide past him, trailing my fingertips across his shirt. His eyes are bright as he closes the door and follows me down the hall to the elevator.

When the elevator arrives, we slip in together, Gordon standing with his side against mine. "Fucking elevators always have cameras nowadays," he complains. "Cameras here, cameras there, I can't wait until we don't have to worry about that sort of thing anymore." His hand furtively slips around my waist out of the corner camera's view as he looks down at me.

"Me too," I agree, wishing desperately to turn into his arms and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'd hold you against the wall and kiss you senseless. Right here," he muses.

I swallow the lump that forms in my throat at his words and have to forcibly stop myself from closing the distance between us. All it'd take is standing on my toes. One small movement and I'd be able to tangle my fingers in his blond hair and...

My daydream is cut short by the elevator's ding as the doors slide open.

Gordon removes his arm and leads me towards the exit, his excitement palpable. "We're parked on the side, you're going to love it," he says giddily as we exit the building.

As opposed to most places that get quiet at night, Las Vegas is nothing of the sort. People laugh and bustle about the street in drunken packs, most of them paying little mind to anything that isn't the next casino down the street. Gordon and I easily slip through them and towards the side parking lot without drawing much attention.

My eyes scan the parking lot, looking for the Ferrari or Lamborghini or whatever other fancy car Gordon might have picked for our ride. Unfortunately, there are quite a few luxury vehicles parked outside of the hotel, so I have no way of knowing which is his. Gordon slips his arm around my waist again now that we're away from people and leads me towards the back of the lot.

"What do you think?" He asks, squeezing my side. I look at the two less-than-supercars and the dune buggy between them before realizing which he's referring to.

"Wait, we're riding in a dune buggy?" I ask, and he nods.

"I'm taking you out to see the stars in the desert, darling. You'll absolutely love it, but we can't get anywhere without one of these." He walks towards the buggy and places his hand on the hood. "It's the Buckshot X2-R, and won't be released until Thanksgiving this year. My friends at Exotic Racing got me a deal to take it out for tonight."

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