Chapter 126- Pantry Planning

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Monday, July 22nd, 2013

"What's up, buttercup?" Taylor says as we enter the pantry. I close the door behind us and turn to face my best friend.

"Gotta give everyone a talk about what's coming up, Chef's orders," I say with a smile.

"Wouldn't want to disappoint Chef," Taylor says, grinning back.

"There wasn't anything you'd done that Chef pointed out, all the meats were cooked perfectly. So I'll use this time to explain my game plan to you."

"Shoot," Tay says, listening carefully.

"So I have Garrett on garnish until apps are over, and I know I want Garrett to do the steak diane orders, but that leaves the garnish open while he does those. I'm nervous about Shaun on garnish because I don't know how well he can keep track of the times. I plan on doing most of the delegating when Garrett is on garnish to save myself the stress, but do you think Shaun is up to the task?"

Taylor taps her chin with her finger. "I'm not sure. He did well in the classroom keeping the kids on schedule, but I know that's different. You should ask Abel what he thinks, I don't know Shaun very well. Do you think you could get him by himself for a minute?"

"I can try, but if Shaun on garnish doesn't work out, would you take it over? I know you can handle the responsibility."

"'Course I will," Taylor says, looking pleased.

"Thanks Tay, love you," I say, pulling her into a hug. She squeezes me back with a giggle until I let go and open the door for her.

We head out into the kitchen, and I tap on Bella's shoulder. "Can you come chat with me real quick?"

"Uh-huh!" Bella sets her knife down and follows me cheerily to the pantry.

"Bella, I'm going over what Gordon suggested as to what needs to be fixed with our menu items. There was one tiny thing you need to be careful about. The shrimp in the alfredo needed to be gutted. Can you double check the ones you've cleaned already to be completely sure that our customers will get clean shrimp?" I inwardly cringe as I request this, hoping that Bella won't try to sass me.

"Oh, sure!" She says with a smile. I blink once in disbelief before collecting myself.

"Thank you Bells, I appreciate you," I say sincerely, amazed at how far she's come.

"No problem, (Y/N), glad to help," Bella says, waving her hand dismissively. "Anything else?"

"Not that I can think of." I shake my head. "Thank you again."

"It's the least I can do for the bullshit I put everyone through. Gonna try to pull in a win for you," Bella says cheerily.

I smile as she opens the pantry and lets herself out with me following behind. Talking to Bella has eased some of my nerves amazingly, but maybe I should see if I can get Abel alone for a minute to discuss his former teammates before I call Shaun or Garrett in. I make my way to the front and look over to where Abel has finished showing his foods and is now clearing the pass.


He turns to me as he sets a plate on the counter. "Yes, sweetheart?"

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask, feeling shy for some reason.

"Of course." Abel looks over his shoulder into the blue kitchen.

"Dave, would you finish clearing the pass for me?"

"On it, boss!" Dave heads to the pass, giving me a smile as he approaches.

Abel leads the way to the pantry and holds the door open for me.

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