*Chapter 108- Precious

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Gordon walks us back to the suite before stopping in front of the door to the room. The alcove leading to our suite has just enough space to fit all three of us out of view of the main hallway.

"Would you mind letting everyone know that I'll be picking them up around seven?" Gordon requests. "Our flight home will be at eight in the morning."

"Of course," Abel agrees.

Gordon's eyes meet mine. "(Y/N), if it isn't a bother, I'd love to take you out tonight later on. Not for too long, but enough time to see the stars. Would you like to accompany me?" He asks with anticipation.

"Of course, Gordon." I grin. "I'd love to see the stars with you."

He rubs his hands together giddily. "Excellent, I'll be back in a few hours to collect you when everyone else should be asleep. I can't resist the opportunity to spend time with you, darling."

"I feel the same way about you," I agree. I'm startled when he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me into a kiss, pressing me against the wood grain of the door. Abel moves from beside me to peering out into the hallway, giving me a sense of relief that we won't be caught so that I can fully enjoy the passion flowing from Gordon's lips to mine.

"I'll see you not soon enough, love," he whispers as he pulls back from our kiss and releases me, my back still leaning against the door.

"Take good care of her, Abel. If I don't see a single mark on her body, I'll assume you haven't treated her well enough," he jokes playfully. "Have fun," he says as he slips past Abel and into the hallway.

Abel opens the door to the suite for me and I step inside. Bella and Taylor are sitting on the living room couch with a bucket of popcorn between them, laughing as the final scene plays and the end credits of the movie begin to roll. They are loud enough that they don't hear the door closing behind us.

"Shh," Abel says, holding a finger to his lips. I'm transported to my memories of Laser Quest, back to my thoughts of pressing my lips against his. Except for this time, those thoughts don't have to be a fantasy.

I push my body into him, drawing out a smile as he's pinned against the wall beside a grand painting. Standing on my toes, I pull him down to me and hungrily kiss his inviting lips. It's hard to not be insatiable with how wildly sensual my life has become, and thankfully, both of my men are happy to keep me satisfied. Abel rests his hands on my hips and pulls me even closer against him.

After a while, I realize that the girls' laughter has died down, leaving only the background music of the credits. I break from our kiss and look towards the couch, where both Taylor and Bella are staring at us. Taylor has a handful of popcorn she's eating from and, when she sees we've stopped, huffs, sending a few popcorn pieces flying onto the floor.

"Well, continue!" Taylor waves her hand in a 'go on' motion. "You were just getting to the good part!"

"You must be trying to make me jealous now," Bella whines, pressing her cheek into the couch and looking at us pitifully. "But Vegas is so romantic, I guess I can't blame you. Have you guys seen the view from our room at night?"

Taylor shakes her head. "'Course they haven't Bells, they just got back and yesterday we all went to bed as soon as we got to the room. So they definitely need to feast their eyes on this." Taylor hops from the couch and heads for the curtains beside the TV, drawing them back. Vegas's lights shine through the window, and the Eiffel tower sparkles in luminescent gold.

"Wow," I say in awe as I step towards the window, Abel following me with his hand on my waist. I hadn't been paying attention when we got to the hotel– I'd been too engrossed in my men to pay the scenery any mind– but now that I take the time to admire it, Vegas is stunning.

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