Chapter 112- The Final Black Jacket Service Part 2/2

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Saturday, July 20th, 2013

I approach the head of the pass, coming to a stop beside Gordon. Rather than feeling elated as I normally do standing next to him, anxiety titters away in the back of my mind. Am I standing too close? What if I look at him too adoringly? Or touch him accidentally? I bow my head, fingers lacing together nervously.


I force myself to look at Gordon.

"You've done this before, darling. Do your best and remember what we discussed last time. Read and re-read the tickets, make sure everyone is working, keep up with the times, and plate just as I show you, alright?"

"Yes, Chef," I respond, only managing to look into his eyes for a moment before tearing my gaze away. I have to concentrate, and letting myself get worked up over how I'm looking at him certainly won't help things. Why did he call me darling? He knows what that does to me! If only he wasn't so goddamn handsome, if only his presence wasn't so commanding, if only I couldn't see his love for me every time I lock eyes with him... then, maybe, I could focus.

"Make sure you choose someone competent to take over your fish station. Decide where you want everyone while I get the plates set up."

I look out into the kitchen. Taylor didn't get a chance to show her skill with the meat station since Gordon called her up before apps were over, so it seems like now would be a good chance to let her on it. "Taylor, take over meats, please. Abel, fish if you would? And Bella, stay on garnish."

As badly as Bella did during her time as Head Chef, I don't need her to mess up the service any further. The way I see it, keeping her on garnish offers the fewest chances of slowdowns in the kitchen.

"Yes, Chef!" They shout back to me, drawing a smile to my face.

"Call out the next ticket, and afterward I'll show you how to plate," Gordon says, handing me a ticket from the pass.

I read it over three times before I think about calling it out.

"On order, table five. Five top, I need two Wellies, two salmon, and one lamb. How long on that?"

"Twelve minutes, Chef," Taylor says after a quick discussion with Abel.

"Alright, twelve minutes. Now, watch what I'm doing for each of these plates because the lamb is the only other plate I'm going to show you once it gets here," Gordon says.

I watch as he meticulously plates the Wellington, remembering how we'd plated the Wellington we'd made together. I've got that down for sure, there's no way I'm forgetting anything about that experience. Next, he pulls the New York strips to the side.

"Check these for doneness and let me know what you think."

I touch the steak lightly.

"Cooked perfectly, but somewhat cold."

"Well, don't tell me, hand it off to your meat station," Gordon says with a smirk. I take it sheepishly and call out to Taylor.

"Yeah, Chef?" She asks, looking up from the cutting board.

"Can you heat these back up? They are a little cold. Please hurry, our Wellingtons are ready to go!"

"Shoot, alright!" Taylor rushes to the front, grabbing the tray and winking at me before heading back to the grill. She heats them in a cast iron pan for a minute on each side before bringing them back up with the temperature now perfect.

"Thanks, Tay."

"'Course, m'lady Chef." She curtsies before leaving.

Gordon shows me how to plate the rest of the meals, which I send out the moment they're ready. I turn, looking out into the kitchen to make sure everyone is working. Strangely, Abel seems to be searching for something. Should I go see what he needs since it was my station, or stay at the front since there are only a few minutes left before they will bring the food up?

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