Chapter Five

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After work, I met up with the gang at Ligaya's apartment.

"Guys, I'm in deep trouble," I said as I throw myself on Ligaya's sofa.

I heard Fernando laugh.

"What did you do, McCormick? questioned Kim.

Another guffaw from Fernando followed by, "Ouch! Mujer deja de pegarme!"

"Niño, you better stop and let Taylor talk," Kim shouted then looks at me to continue.

I told them what happened.

"And I suddenly blurted out that I know how to speak English, Spanish, Tagalog, and Chinese" I ended my story.


The three were staring at me then burst into laughter.

"What the heck, Tay! Why'd you lie?" Kim asked.

"He's stupid that's why," Fernando interjected.

Smack. "Ow! Kim Lee, you're this close to getting hit, too!" he yelled while showing his pointer and thumb almost touching together.

"Try to do it, Ferdie. I'll call Mamita and tell her what her precious unico hijo did to her most priceless Colombian jug." Kim threatened.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me!" Kim challenged.

Fernando quickly backed down and sulked like a kid.

"You two stop your lovers' quarrel." Ligaya teased.

"What?" Kim and Fernando both spoke.

"We, lovers?" Kim pointed to herself and Fernando, "I'd rather die from a piranha attack than have this jerk as a boyfriend." Kim added.

"Yeah, right." Ligaya and I both say simultaneously.

Then Ligaya looked at me and asked, "Will you tell the truth?"

"Igi," I called her by the nickname I gave her when we were eight, "you know I need the money. This is the only company that has accepted me. I've been jobless for nine months. Look at you, you're already working your dream job as a therapist, Kim is doing her interior design business. And Nando, well Nando is being Nando."

"Hey! Why do you guys love attacking me? I have a job too. I may be currently the designated delivery boy of my parents' restaurant but I will one day inherit it! And I will be Fernando Verdasco, world-renowned chef!" he exclaimed.

"Sure, nánhái," Kim said.

"You know, Lee. What Igi and Taytay are saying might be true."

"What are they saying?"

"You secretly love me," Fernando said in a sing-song voice.

Kim replied by throwing a pillow at his face.

"You two lovebirds stop." Ligaya interrupted their quarrel and looked at me, " Taylor Joseph McCormick."

"Ligaya Maria Sanchez Mabini." I mimicked her serious tone.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'll stay."

"But you're lying."

"Igi, I need the money. And I only plan to stay maybe a month or two just let me find a job before I resign."

"How will you be able to do your job correctly?"

"With the help from you three." I smile.

"Us?" they asked in unison.

"Yes, Ligaya speaks Tagalog, Kim you're Chinese, Nando you speak Spanish."

"Why would we help you, fool?" Kim asked.

" 'Cause I need your help and you're my friends."

Kim scoffed.

"Please? It will be a short while until I find another job."

"How will you pull it off?" Fernando questioned.

"I'll call you guys when I need you."

"We also have our own lives, Tay." Ligaya sighed, " It's better, to tell the truth. Don't make this drag any longer."

"But if I tell them they'll think I'm incompetent and."

"You are, for foolishly saying you speak four languages!" Kim yelled.

"Guys, please. I've never asked for help this big from you all. You know me, I'm responsible. I've just," I exhale, "it's been difficult ever since." I paused.

They knew what I was about to say. My mom was diagnosed with cancer and my dad and I have been trying to make ends meet ever since I graduated.

"Alright," Kim relented, "but just this once!"

"Thank you so much, Kim"

"Fine! Dude, you owe me big time." Fernando hugged and reached out for a handshake.

Then I looked over to Ligaya who had been sitting quietly. I came closer to her, "Igi?"

She held my hand and sighed. "Okay, I'll help you. But you have to promise me you won't lie anymore, got it Taylor?" she said while using her therapist's voice.

I chuckled, "Yes, Dr. Mabini. I promise."

I then hugged her, "Thank you!"

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