Chapter Three

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Several weeks later, I forgot about that translating job.

I got a call from a company wanting to interview me for a position I applied to. In my excitement to say yes I forgot to ask the person exactly what position this was for.

"This is it!" I positively told myself as I walked into the office.

I was greeted by the receptionist who brought me to Mr. Fritz's office. The interview was quicker than I expected. He just said he was impressed with my resume and asked me when I could start. "I can start anytime, sir!" I enthusiastically replied.

He grinned, "you're hired!".

I was ecstatic. I felt that I was on top of the world. I finally had a job!

I called up my friends to celebrate at our favorite coffee shop.

"Oh my gosh, Taylor! Finally! I'm so happy for you!" Ligaya excitedly exclaimed.

"Yeah, dude. Finally, you can pay your bills now." Fernando joked.

Kim smacked his head, "Don't tease him, Ferdie. Let him celebrate."

"Ouch! Ok, I'm sorry." he apologized to Kim more than to me.

"And don't call me Ferdie!" he cried like a child.

The girls chuckled and in unison said, "Aww, Ferdie and Taytay!"

Fernando and I groan, "Not the nicknames. Please stop!" I beg.

"You know if it weren't for our decade of friendship I would've," Fernando gulped at the girls' death glare.

"I would've hugged you both to death by now!" he finished and crushed the two in a hug.

"Ew, get off of me! You stink!" Kim cried out under Fernando's arm.

We all laughed.

"So, what do you get to do in your new job?" Ligaya asked.

I then realized that I didn't know what position I was hired for.

Well, I'm screwed.

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