Chapter One

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*three months ago*

I've been searching for a job for months. I graduated with high honors and yet here I am nine months later after graduation and I do not have a job yet. In frustration, I bang my hands on the table, surprising all the people in the coffee shop. I receive a few curious glances.

"Sorry," I mutter

I just had an interview with the manager of a big electronics company. It did not go well.

Once I entered his office he had his assistant bring me a cup of coffee. After I received the coffee and offered my thanks I took a big sip of the drink. I should have waited to let it cool a little bit more because the coffee was hotter than the Sahara desert that I spat it all out, spraying it into the face of my interviewer who was just about to ask me a question. I quickly apologized and reached out to grab a tissue from his desk but in doing so I toppled over his coffee, on his pants! His coffee might have been too hot too since he shrieked and quickly jumped around the room trying to cool himself off. In wanting to end his misery, I splashed the jug of ice cool water on him. But that wasn't all! In trying to help him, I bumped his desk and his precious clay pot, which his daughter made, rolled over, and smashed on the floor. It was a mess!

The secretary rushed in to check the commotion. She had shock written all over her face upon seeing the state of her boss's office. I was filled with dread. I apologized a thousand times but the manager wouldn't have it. He told me to "get lost," and threatened to call the police, for what, I do not know.

I sigh and put my head on the table.

"Hey, dude! Sorry to leave you waiting, had to drop something off at the restaurant."

I raise my head and see my best friend, Fernando.

"Hey, Nando. It's alright."

Sensing something wrong he quickly asked, "You alright? You don't look too good. Have you been eating those spicy noodles again?".

"No! What the heck! Never again shall I eat those noodles!" I try to brush away the memory when our friend, Kim, dared me to eat those spicy, hot noodles for dinner for one week straight. My intestines still haven't fully recovered from that.

"Then what happened? You look as pale as paper?" he questioned further.

I told him what transpired a few hours ago.

Fernando kept laughing throughout my story. I just bury my head in my hands.

"Dude! That was muy divertido!" he guffawed.

After a few more laughs, " You're so unlucky," he added.

"You don't have to rub it in."

He laughs some more, "Oh, you gotta tell Ligaya and Kim. They'll love to hear it."

"I'll never hear the end of this." I cried out.

"Never hear the end of what?" a girl cuts in.

We turn around and see our friends, Ligaya and Kim.

"Right on time! Taytay was just talking about his hilarious interview." Fernando jokes.

Ligaya and Kim turned to look at me as they sit with us. "Are you gonna tell us Taytay?" Kim further teased.

"First of all, I hate that nickname! Taylor is a very manly name. Look at Taylor Lautner for example. Almost all girls, love him."

"Nope, I'm more of an Edward fan," Kim interjected.

"I said "almost all girls." You are not part of them."

"Yeah, because I'm special!" Kim sassily flipped her hair.

Ligaya chuckled, "You guys stop teasing him and let him tell his story."

"Go on Taytay." She teasingly added.

To which the other two baboons snickered.

I sigh, "Alright."

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