Six- Saturday Evening; Mitsuki Bakugo

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Doctors and nurses rushed in and out of the room, calling for assistance for Mitsuki Bakugo, who's heart had just stopped. Nurses were frantically running around and bringing the proper doctors over to get her heart started again, while Mitsuki laid dead in her bed for that while.

The doctors did what they needed to do to get her heart going again, and when her heart started again her chest rose up a bit. All the doctors and nurses huffed out in relief, some wiped their foreheads to rid themselves of the sweat from the adrenaline. They walked out of the room once Mitsuki's heartbeat was steady.

She now was to be kept on a scheduled check-in to make sure her heart stays alive. The same nurse who checked up on Bakugo went over to his room and pulled Masaru to the side, informing him of the events that just occurred. He gasped and placed a hand over his mouth, tears forming in his eyes. Once the nurse explained what they would be doing to monitor her, he nodded and walked back into the room.

When he walked in Bakugo was fast asleep and Kirishima was asleep with his head resting on the bed holding Bakugo's hand in his own. Masaru smiled and silently sat down in his previous seat, digging out his phone and taking a picture of the two.

He found it nice, to see his only son have someone care about him so much that they would drop everything they were doing to see how he's doing. Masaru was proud that Katsuki was improving from how he was in middle school. Even if Katsuki wouldn't admit it, he's made friends that will stick by him for life.

Once he had the picture he put his phone away and stared at the two, smiling as he watched Katsuki tighten his grip in the redheads hand. Masaru left the room to get the three of them food, he wasn't sure when Kirishima ate last, but he knows Bakugo hasn't had anything since before the crash, which was about a day and a half ago. He went to his car and drove to some place to get food, (my mind doesn't work, and I know hospital food sucks) leaving the two sleeping boys alone.

Bakugo woke up seven minutes after his dad left, opening his eyes and immediately feeling a throbbing in his head. He went to pick his hand up to hold his head, confused why it wasn't moving. He looked down and saw Kirishima cuddling Bakugo's hand, wrapping both his hands around Bakugo's and laying his head on top of them. Bakugo stared at Kirishima for a few seconds, smiling softly at his best friend.

He must've struck gold when he met Kirishima. To be able to stop what he was doing to check on Bakugo and how he was doing, and not leaving even after he fell asleep. He's still a complete idiot who doesn't know anything, but he could be worse. He could be Deku, so there's that that makes him like Kirishima more.

Bakugo laid his head back on the pillow, trying to go back to sleep and ignore the throbbing that was pounding harshly at his head. Bakugo's face was contorted as he tried to calm himself down from the pain, but nothing was working.

A few seconds later Masaru walked in with some fast food, the smell making Bakugo's head hurt more.

"Ah shit, can you take that away? My head's fucking killing me" Bakugo complained as he pulled his hand away from Kirishima, holding his profusely pounding head. Kirishima woke up at the act and looked at Bakugo with worry.

"Whoa, Bakugo! Are you okay?" Kirishima asked loudly.

"Shut up. Get a fucking nurse. My head is going fucking numb" Bakugo whined out, holding his head as he leaned back, wanting to pull the pain away but knowing that would make it much worse.

Kirishima nodded and stood up, leaving the room hastily and went to get a nurse. Masaru put the food in a plastic bag and tied it tightly, keeping the smell to a bare minimum. Katsuki waited for what felt like hours for Kirishima and a nurse, he was desperately hoping Kirishima was trying to find a nurse. He was getting a sensory overload and his head couldn't take it.

Kirishima rushes in with a nurse, then steps out of the way so the nurse can do what's needed. She confirms that he was having a sensory overload, and told everyone in the room to keep sounds and smells limited so Katsuki can rest easily.

They all nodded and the nurse walked off with her clipboard of notes, making sure she had everything written down that Bakugo explained to her. As she was walking out of the room she turned off the lights, turning her head around and nodding with a small smile. Once she had left Bakugo rested his head back again, Kirishima holding Bakugo's hand softly.

"Well, looks like I won't be fucking leaving here tomorrow" Bakugo joked around as he glanced at Kirishima, who looked concerned for Bakugo.

Bakugo let his eyes close to try and go back to sleep so he could ward off the pain for as long as he possibly could. Kirishima held Bakugo's hand and didn't let go no matter what, he wanted to be there for the blonde no matter what was happening to the both of them. Masaru was calming down and making sure the smell of the food wasn't noticeable.

Mitsuki was currently being monitored and checked on as she was going in and out of consciousness, her heartbeat either dangerously low or dangerously high.

The doctors were concerned about whether or not Mitsuki would be able to walk out of the hospital alive, but even with their doubts they couldn't give up hope. If she did somehow survive, she would have many disabilities and probably wouldn't be able to walk ever again. The doctors and nurses hoped that that was the worst case scenario. But they knew the true worst thing that could happen.

As the sun set down below the hills and trees, the natural light in the hospital dimmed down and more lights were turned on, except the lights in Katsuki's room. The three guys in that room were all asleep, and though visitors weren't allowed, the nurse couldn't find herself waking the two up and telling them to leave. Instead she turned off what little light was on around them and closed the door, letting them all get some sleep.


Uhh yeah I'm gonna try to get this one done now, they might honestly end up being either short and descriptive chapters or long chapters cause I had more motivation and time. So yeah.

But I'll try to get this one done soon. I might make this one be a shorter book than my other two, cause I honestly don't have much planned for this one.

Word count: 1,106


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