Two- Early Saturday Morning; Preparing

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Katsuki POV

I woke up early, like usual, and jumped out of bed. Since it was still early I decided to stay quiet. I changed into shorts and started my morning workout.

After an hour of that, I was sweating like a fucking mad man. So I grabbed a fresh set of clothes and headed for the shower.

I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror, admiring myself.

I had an amazing fucking V-line, a six pack-cause what else would I have- my shoulders were broad and toned, and my arms were ripped. Not to mention my weirdly shaped hour glass figure, even with all my muscle.

I smirked at myself and ran my hands through my damp hair, pushing it out of my face. It stayed in place on the top of my head, showing off my clear skin. I brought my hands down and rested them at my side as I walked to the shower.

I started a cold shower and let it start to get cold before I stepped in. I took my pants off and tossed them in the corner by the door. I looked around for my phone, realizing I don't have it here with me. So I walk back into my room and grab it, opening my music app so I can listen to music while I shower.

I put my 'favorites' playlist on shuffle, placing my phone down on the glass shelf beside my sink. I pulled my boxers down and tossed them in the corner, then stepped into the shower.

I got immediate goosebumps, I may have made the water a bit too cold. I warmed it up a bit and relaxed. Once it was at a tolerable temperature, I washed my body and hair.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist and set another one on top of my head. I took off the towel from around my waist and dried myself off.

Once I was pretty well dried off, I put on a clean pair of boxers and my fresh clothes. It was a simple dark blue T-shirt with some black jeans, paired along with some old combat boots. I rubbed my hair dry then hung up the two towels.

I grabbed my dirty clothes and phone, then left the bathroom. I tossed the clothes in my empty hamper and jumped onto my bed. It was about 6:10 in the morning, so the old hag would be getting up soon. I decided to let myself lay down since my abs were killing me.

After half an hour of laying there, there was a knock at my door. I got out of bed and opened it to see the old hag.

"I'm up. I just need to eat then I'm ready to go." I said as I walked out of my room and passed her.

"Alright. Be quick, I wanna head out soon." She said as she walked to her room.

"Yeah yeah, I know ya hag." I said as I slid down the bannister.

I grabbed some breakfast and ate it quickly, finishing up five minutes later as mom walked down the stairs.

"You see Kat? This is how a normal person walks down stairs, you should try it sometime." She said, mocking the way I go downstairs. So what if I slide down the bannister? It's cool as fuck and quicker to do.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, standing up and tossing my plastic bowl in the sink. I grabbed a light hoodie and put my phone in the back of my pocket. Mom put her shoes on and we walked out of the house.

We walked around town for a good twenty minutes, just enjoying each other's company and the sound of natural human life. Every once in a while one of us would play with the other a bump shoulders together. The other would chuckle lightly and nudge them back.

After a few back a forths, the hag put me in a head lock and gave my a noogie, messing up my graceful hair. I tried breaking out of it but she held me tightly. I was practically bending over with the height difference between the two of us, so I decided to use that to my advantage.

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