Four- Saturday Morning; Crash

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Imma just say this now, it gets         gory-ish and descriptive. I sometimes think I watch too many car crash videos. But they help me to describe things like this. So here's a warning.

Third POV (it's gonna help me explain)

She let go of Katsuki's ear and they turned the corner, walking around for a bit longer. Katsuki took a few more chugs of his drink then threw it out in the next garbitch can that was in sight (Me, don't come for me). Once he got back to the hag they just walked together in comfortable silence, listening to the speeding cars passing by and the talking of other people.

Though all the noise was fucking annoying as shit, Katsuki dealt with it since the old hag was enjoying her time with him.

"When do you wanna turn around Katsuki?" Mitsuki questioned as she turned to him.

"I'm ready to go back whenever. It'll take us some time cause of how far we've already fuckin' walked." Katsuki said as he slowed down and eventually turned around.

Mitsuki turned around with him and they headed back home, passing the cafe they were just at five minutes later. They started talking again, and they had gotten into talking about Mitsuki's business and how she could help design Katsuki's new hero costume if he ever wanted a change.

"I know you like the way your costume is now, but if you ever want a change I've got a few ideas already drawn out for you" she said while they turned the corner.

"I'll think about it ya hag. But I see no need for a costume change right now" Bakugo replied.

They were about five minutes away from returning home, crossing the street blindly while engulfed in their conversation.

Mitsuki looked up from their conversation to see people screaming at them with wide eyes and hear a car horn blaring. She turned to the sound of the horn and saw a huge truck barreling towards an oblivious Katsuki who was still talking.

She panicked and shoved him out of the way roughly, which led to him stumbling back and tripping over the curb, twisting his ankle harshly in turn. He used his hands as a brace and felt something painfully snap in his left wrist as his head hit the concrete sidewalk hard.

He could barely hear his mother say 'I love you' over the sound of the ringing in his ears and a faint car horn. He let his head fall back and stared at the sky as darkness engulfed his sight.

Mitsuki was barely able to push Katsuki out of the way and tell her she loves him before she turned to the car with pure fear in her eyes. She put her hands out like it would be able to stop the car. She could hear the tires screeching loudly trying to stop, and Mitsuki screamed just a second before the impact.

She was hit head-on and her body slammed into the hood of the car, the windshield being cracked from the impact of Mitsuki's skull, and her knees bending backwards from the force of first impact. Glass was shattering and cutting her clear perfect skin, damaging it with deep cuts and bruises.

Her bones were cracking as her body was laying limp against the hood of the truck. The truck came to a stop a few seconds later with her body sliding down a bit, but not off the car. The driver pushed away the airbag and stepped out of the car quickly, examining over the limp body on his truck.

He looked her over, staring at the cuts taking up most of her exposed skin, more than half of her limbs and appendages bent in abnormal ways. Her face was stuck in one of pure terror and shock, but her eyes were glossed over. He looked at the pool of blood that was slowly forming around her, and could barely see the faint rise and fall of her chest.

She's somehow alive, but that won't last long if help doesn't arrive soon. The driver yelled for someone to call an ambulance while he limps over to grab his own phone. Once he does and a crowd of people are forming, he looks over to Katsuki who is passed out cold.

There's some steady drops of blood coming from the side of his head and his wrist was clearly broken, the bone was almost sticking out. His ankle was resting limply at the edge of the curb, it was also bent weirdly.

A few people gathered around Katsuki and managed to hinder the bleeding from his head, remaining cautious and careful when they would hear the teenager grunt and his face would contort in excruciating pain.

People were gathering around the car with the barely alive Mitsuki. She wasn't moving in the slightest, the only time she would move would be a leg twitch, which if just from involuntary muscle twitching. The driver started to push people out of the way so the ambulance could get through and wheel away Mitsuki. Since there were a couple ambulances there, a couple paramedics came out with a stretcher for Katsuki and wheeled him into an ambulance.

They rushed off to the hospital with the lights and sirens blazing while the police stayed with the driver and witnesses and moved traffic along. The police officers investigated the case and took down the name of the driver, telling him he would be contacted about a jury date and insurance details.

The paramedics with Mitsuki stopped the bleeding where it was the deepest, then started to try and stabilize her heartbeat. After multiple resuscitations, they were able to keep her heartbeat at a dangerously low rate. They remained on high alert and were ready to take any form of action if any changes were witnessed.

They started to stabilize her broken bones, even if it wasn't the greatest it had to be enough until they reached the hospital. Their main concern was her neck, so they wrapped it enough to keep it in place until they arrived at the hospital.

Katsuki's ride wasn't as difficult, since his injuries weren't nearly as bad as Mitsuki's. The paramedics wrapped his head to stop the bleeding and carefully wrapped his wrist after shifting it back to a normal position. Though Katsuki was grunting and making pained facial expressions, his body seemed too weak to pull away.

One of the paramedics took off Katsuki's shoe in order to wrap his ankle properly. Once that was done his ride went smoothly, other then the change of bandage on his head once when he started bleeding through it.

They arrived at the hospital and rushed Mitsuki into emergency surgery, while Katsuki got wheeled into a room for examination and x-rays to determine what injuries happened where. Since he had minor injuries he was taken to a hospital room after over an hour of scanning a and x-rays.

He had a thick crosswise fracture (complete break horizontally if you were to hold your hand up), a badly sprained ankle, and a major concussion. He also had a bruised rib bone, but that will heal within a week or two. He was wheeled into a room and once the doctors got information about him, they called his father so he could be here for Katsuki once he woke up.

They knew that Katsuki would wake up and make a full recovery, but at the rate Mitsuki was at, she'd be lucky to make it out alive.


So there's that. I hope all you Mitsuki haters are pleased(?). And if you like Mitsuki, which I don't but you're allowed to have your own opinion cause it's your opinion, then sorry, but this isn't the worst that'll happen.

Now I will shush and go to sleep cause I actually fell asleep halfway through writing *and* editing this-

Word count: 1,264


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