Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"Spill it Neegan," Ronin smirks.

Neegan chuckles,"All that talk just for this information?"

Ronin just eyes him, crossing his arms. "Ok, Shadow is a made up orphan with false implanted memories, her real dad was Ares the God of war and her mom is."

"Inanna Goddess of warfare," Ronin growls. "I discovered that when she rebirthed." Neegan turns pale and shakes his head. "You shouldn't have rebirthed her in your pod, HOLY SHIT Ronin. Your dad is the destroyer, those mixed together are bad, very bad."

Ronin sighs, "I love her, she's my mate. That's all that matters to me."

"That's all good and great but do you have the power to control her if she loses it, do you know all her powers?"

Ronin sighed and shook his head, he didn't know what else Shadow could do. He had other powers as well that she didn't know about.

"I was assigned to her, the council told me all about her, I took her under my wing. I was told she was a special case. Her life is a lot like yours Ronin, two powerful parents that were forced to give the child to the SBC," Neegan pauses and continued, "I didn't plan for us to fall in love, it just happened, after Jory's mother died." Neegan frowns. He pauses as he thinks of the past before continuing.

"Listen she's more than you Ronin, she was created for a purpose but you are her true mate and now your part of that purpose as well."

Ronin scowled," That's pretty vague Neegan, perhaps when I've cleared my name Shadow and I can see the prophet and see what she has to say."

Neegan nods, "Good idea."

Ronin runs his hand over his face and eyes Neegan. "They are coming back with us," he states.

"I think they have too, the council's going to shit themselves when they see who your mate is," Neegan chuckles and adds, "I'm not missing that for anything in the cosmos. "

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