Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Jory walks into the lounge a snarl on the face of yet another attractive meat suit. This one was light skin, short black hair shaved at the side with bright green eyes. Luckily his manhood was covered by a strategically placed piece of cloth.

"Not leaving much for the imagination Jory," I chuckle with my finger raised to the tiny loincloth. He grins and winks.

"Where is Ronin, I have a bone to pick with him."

I shrug my shoulders.

"I'm not sure, I know he's working on how to prove that the murder of Burgess was justified," I sigh.

"You don't know who the others were, do you Jory," I ask hoping for a clue.

Jory sits next to me and gives me a side glance, his eyes brightening.

"I remember other voices in the background of Burgess and I conversations, I know one was female and that there are two different males," he grunts.

"Did you tell Ronin this," I gasp. He starts to speak when Ronin pops in and growls fiercely at him.

"What the fuck Jory. Why didn't you disclose this information to me!"

I hurry to stand, too try and calm Ronin, he was very angry, his eyes as dark as pitch. Jory looked hurt, he lowered his head.

"I just remembered it, I um, I'm sorry my king," he mumbles hastily.

Ronin runs his hand through his hair sighing and places his hand on Jory's shoulder.

"I'm sorry for my outburst, but I put Tarrick in a bad spot asking him to spy for me, he could be killed," he groans.

"If you can identify the voices Jory I won't need to send him."

Jory looks up his eyes watering.

"I can identify them if I hear them again," he sniffs. Ronin nods.

"Jory take off the damn meat suit and stay in your original form from henceforth on this ship," he commands and disappears. "That was scary Shadow," mumbles Jory. I go and pull him into a hug.

"I know Jory, I'm sorry but Tarrick is a gift from his mother and means a lot to him."

I just want to know how he knew what was being said. Mind link Ronin's voice grunts

Jory shrugs my arms off and stands. "I'm going to go change before he gets pissy again." I nod and watch as Jory leaves.

Alarms start going off and a loud beeping rings through the walks. What the fuck is it now I sigh

I shift to the observation deck hoping Ronin is there.

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