"Quick, while Aaliyah and I fight her, find a way out of here and alert the rest of the gang", Micah told Dakota. Dakota shook her head.

"No way, I'm not leaving you guys here, I know how Haven is, and you'll never beat her." Micah smiled at her.

"I don't think you should underestimate us so quickly". Taken aback, Dakota could only nod her head slowly. She adjusted Ariana on her shoulder, and started looking for ways out of the cafeteria. Focusing her attention back to Haven, Micah didn't notice Aaliyah's body flying back until it collided into her.

"Fuck, Liyah you okay?" she asked worriedly. Aaliyah smiled weakly, and wiped the blood from her mouth.

"I got this bitch", she murmured.

"Be careful!" Dakota yelled.

Getting up, Micah shifted into a dog and tried to take a bite out of Haven's leg. Haven kicked her and threw some ice in her direction.

"Wrong move bitch!" Aaliyah said, kicking Haven's face with her flaming foot. Haven groaned and fell to the ground. Micah dove at her, but Haven shot a block of ice at her. Micah shifted into a bird and dodged it, flying away.

"Careful guys! Haven isn't like Teresa; she goes straight for the kill!" Dakota warned them. Haven stiffened, and the smirk that graced her face dropped.

"Don't talk about Teresa like she's still alive!" Haven yelled. She rushed toward Dakota, her hand raised.

"Whoa there, focus on us!" Micah said, blocking her.

"Wait, Teresa isn't alive?" Dakota asked confused.

"Don't act like you don't know! It's your fault she's dead!"

"It was just a car, I didn't think she'd die from that".

"That wasn't what killed her. Back in Callista, she was on trial, she was caught trying to steal from the elders. They gave her one last chance to save herself, she was supposed to kill you but she failed and so the council members voted on killing her.", Haven hissed.

"I- I'm sorry they killed her", Dakota stuttered. Haven shook her head.

"They didn't kill her. I did", Haven announced. Dakota gasped.

"I had to, I couldn't say no to them, they'd have me killed too, I had to!" Haven reassured herself, "I don't want to die, I can't die.".

"Is that why you're here?" Dakota questioned her.

Haven nodded, "Yes, I'll kill you, and unlike my sister, I won't fail." Shocked with this new information, Dakota didn't notice when Haven shot water at her.

Drenched only from her neck, Dakota gasped from the cold, and accidently dropped Ariana on the ground.

"Someone's running out of ice", Aaliyah mocked her, throwing a fire ball in her direction. Dodging it, Haven smirked. She flicked her wrist, and then the water on Dakota's neck froze, effectively choking her. Micah shifted into a bull, and threw herself at Haven. Aaliyah ran to Dakota and melted the ice.

"Shit Elfie, what are we supposed to do?" Aaliyah inquired.

"Melt her ice and you'll make her weak", Dakota said gasping. Aaliyah nodded, and turned to the fight again. Micah had turned into an anaconda, and was squeezing the life out of Haven. Turning blue, Haven wrapped her around Micah's head, and was trying to suffocate her. The blonde elf conjured up a knife made of ice and tried to stab her. Micah shifted into a hawk, and flew away. Aaliyah made a ring of fire around the Ice elf. Haven dropped to her knees, the ice surrounding her melting, until the water around her ceased to exist. She tried to conjure up more ice, but was unsuccessful. She gasped for breath.

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