Birdflash Fluffiness - Young Justice

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Wally and Dick were in Wally's room he had in the cave, sitting on his bed. Dick was becoming annoyed by Wally's constant begging for one thing.

"C'mon Rob! No one's in here."

"Wally... That still doesn't matter."

Wally huffed and crossed his arms, "I just want you to take your sunglasses off."

Dick pinched the bridge of his nose, "Batman will kill both of us if someone walks in and sees me."

"The door's closed!" Wally waved his arms in the direction of the door. "And I just want to see your eyes."

"Do you have a death wish?" Dick asked with exasperation.

"Fine then," Wally grumbled, "Let me ask you another question."

"Go for it," Dick replied. He was ready for another stupid question.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend or a girlfriend?"

At first, Dick was taken back by the out of the blue question. Then he simply replied with, "no."

Wally's green eyes widened. "How?!"

Dick only shrugged, "I do know, never asked, never got asked."

Wally's eyes seemed to stare right through Dick before he averted his gaze, muttering something under his breath, "but you're so beautiful."

Dick did a double-take, a blush creeping on his cheeks, "what?"

Wally's eyes widened again, "what?!"


Two shapes were walking along the sidewalk, not noticing the dark clouds gathering. Wally smiled as he watched Dick ramble on about how Bruce couldn't cook and how the kitchen was almost set on fire. Again.

The redhead wasn't paying attention to Dick's rant. How could he when his boyfriend, yeah boyfriend, was so cute when he was angry? The ebony teenager stopped talking and waved a hand in Wally's face. "Hey, Walls?"

Wally snapped out of his daydream, "yeah Dickie?"

"Were you even listening?"

"Uh, sure!" Wally chirped.

"Yeah right," Dick rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's antics.

A loud rumble of thunder erupted into the air. Both teenagers looked to the sky.

"Aw man," Wally muttered, "guess we'll have to cut this short."

"It's not raining yet," Dick pointed out.

Right after the ebony spoke, droplets of water started to fall.

"You jinxed us," Wally stated flatly.

The rain started to pick up and Wally quickly dragged him and Dick to the nearest shelter. Which was a bus stop. "I'll run us back to the manor, hopefully, we won't get too wet."

Wally watched as Dick pouted, "but I want to feel the rain!"

More thunder came and the rain became a full-blown downpour, startling Wally. He quickly regained himself before raising an eyebrow at his boyfriend, "we're in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain."

"Yes." The shorter boy stated.

"I'm not letting you get sick! Daddy Bats will kill me!"

That was the last thing Dick heard before he was swept up, flung over Wally's shoulder, and sped towards the manor.

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