Cliché - Young Justice

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He roamed the streets quietly. Laughing to himself. How cliché it was. He never wanted it to happen; yet it did. He should've seen it coming ages ago. He should've stopped himself.

He had fallen in love with a hero.

The boy roaming the dark streets was a 14-year-old known as Robin. A villain who was slowly climbing the ranks. A villain who was notorious for his laugh that could sometimes make the Joker jealous, his skills and his silence.

He was as silent as a mouse. Maybe even quieter. You couldn't hear him move, take a step or anything. Robin loved it when he could sneak up behind someone and give a cackling laugh to scare the heck out of them. It was what he was known for.

Back onto the story though; Robin had indeed fallen in love with a hero. You might say falling in love isn't something that happens at a young age. But when you're a villain, you learn to not use the term lightly.

But Robin had fallen in love. The boy he had fallen in love with was two years old than him, meaning he was a 16-year-old. Robin loved his messy red hair, freckles that littered his skin, sharp green eyes which he could stare into all day- Guessed yet?

Yup. It was Kid Flash.

How cliché, a villain falling for a hero. How annoying. How was he meant to be a villain? A criminal? Maybe I'm thinking about this too much.


Robin sighed. He didn't know why he decided to do this. Sneaking into a museum to steal dinosaur bones? Robin learnt not to question the Joker. You heard right. Robin had been assigned to steal dinosaur bones for the Joker. He was confused about why he even agreed. He was confused about why Joker even needed these bones!

To be honest, Robin sort of knew. He had overheard the Joker talking about his plan to 'clone dinosaurs and take over Gotham.' It was weird and definitely didn't seem like it could work.

All Robin had to do was sneak into the museum, grab some bones without making a disruption, and get out. It was easy in his mind, especially since he knew he was skilled enough to do this. He quickly slipped past the poorly guarded doors and grabbed his torch he brought with him.

Turning it on, he started moving through the museum. Robin started coming closer to the dinosaur exhibits but stopped in his tracks when he heard something. Angling his head to the noise he heard something. Voices. Bickering voices. He snorted and continued moving until the noises came closer.

He suddenly registered that the people those voices came from were in the museum. Robin froze in his tracks.

"I am not a pig!"

"Says the one who stuffs his face with food every five seconds!"

He recognised the two voices as Kid Flash and Artemis. The protégés of the Flash and Green Arrow. The bickering pair went silent, obviously being told to shut up over a mind link. Robin was now wondering why the Young Justice team came and not Batman. It was his god damn city.

Robin quickly moved to hide behind a stack of chairs. He turned his flashlight off and stood in darkness. A pair of lights came into view. Robin held his breath.

"What are we even looking for?" Robin heard Kid Flash ask.

Artemis responded with, "I'm not sure. We were alerted that a black figure snuck into the museum."

God damnit! Robin had forgotten about security cameras.

Robin noticed a window with let in a little bit of moonlight. He smirked before walking towards it slowly. He just had to open it and jump out.

"Kid Mouth stay here, and I'll look in this other room. I think I saw something. Unless it was Superboy or something."

"Sure, Art Farty."

Robin seethed quietly. Of course, Kid Flash had to look in this room. Robin decided to change to quick movements. He opened the window halfway before a light was on him.

He cursed silently as Kid Flash said, "step away from the window."

Sighing angrily, he turned around to see Kid Flash standing a few meters in front of him. "Why?" Robin asked.

"You don't get to ask the questions. Now step away."

Robin rolled his eyes. "I can ask questions if I want."

In a flash, pun totally intended, Kid Flash had Robin on the ground. "Listen here bird-brain." Robin took in the situation. Kid Flash was practically sitting on top of him. Robin's arms were held down by Kid Flash and Kid Flash had his legs on both sides of Robin's body. Kid Flash wasn't affected by the position, but Robin was.

Robin felt his heartbeat get faster as Kid Flash kept talking. "You're a criminal."

He swore he felt his cheeks heating up as he felt Kid Flash's breath near his ear. Robin kept up his tough façade though. "No shit, Sherlock."

For a few moments, the pair stared into each other's eyes. Well, Kid Flash was staring into Robin's mask with anger. For Robin, it was something different. Robin's heart pounded and he did the most stupid thing ever.

He kissed Kid Flash.

It was amazing. Robin had moved his head forward and their lips met. Kid Flash was stiff as Robin kissed him. But after a few seconds, Kid Flash was returning the kiss. Robin didn't care that he was kissing Kid Flash. It was so good.

Holy shit, I'm kissing Kid Flash!

Robin quickly broke the kiss and scrambled backwards as Kid Flash's hold became loose. Kid Flash stumbled backwards; green eyes wide with realisation. "You kissed me!"

"So?" As quick as light Robin was out the window and running.


Ever since that encounter, Robin couldn't stop thinking about Kid Flash. He had gotten an earful from the Joker for not doing his job. Did he care? No.

He kept thinking about Kid Flash. The kiss. And how Kid Flash had kissed back.

Shaking his head, Robin shut his eyes and pulled at his black hair. He let out a small sob. Life wasn't how he wanted it to go. Kid Flash was never going to return his feelings.

Robin took off his mask, revealing shining blue eyes and Richard Grayson's face. Dick chucked his mask to the side and layed down on his makeshift bed.

He shut his eyes, hoping to go to sleep. Hoping to forget everything.

I got this idea randomly. I'm a big sucker for Birdflash. I absolutely love it! I feel the characters are a little OOC? Not Robin since he's, well, a villain in this story. I honestly just went with what I thought and what I had seen from other fanfics.

Thanks for reading my first YJ story! I know it didn't have a happy ending, but life isn't like that sometimes. (When did I get like that?)

See ya!


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