"Nah. This is Hollywood, man. I'm sure he's being very professional," Willie said making Stephanie laugh in response. Before anyone knew what was happening, Stephanie had let go of Reggie's hand in order to rush over to Willie and hug him. Everyone, including Willie, blinked in surprise while Stephanie just held onto the boy as tight as she could.

"Thank you," she whispered low enough that only Willie could hear. "These boys. . .they mean everything to me, so thank you."

Willie softened a little at that, a small smile appearing on his face as he hugged the girl back. Alex gave him a confused look, but all Willie did was simply wink at him, the action throwing the blonde off and making him quickly look away with a small blush growing on his cheeks.

When Stephanie finally pulled away, she had a smile on her face. She shared a small nod with Willie before turning back to the guys. She started to walk over to them, but not before giving Alex a look that told him to go talk to Willie. The blonde seemed to take the hint and Stephanie gently grabbed ahold of Reggie and Luke, wrapping an arm around each of their shoulders before pulling them away.

"What'd you say to him?" Luke asked, his voice holding a hint of curiosity while his eyes were flickering back to Alex who was now making his way over to Willie.

"I just thanked him was all," Stephanie admitted, letting her arms fall back down to her sides. "He's helping me save my boys. How could I not?" Luke and Reggie smiled softly at that, the two exchanging a small look before quickly wrapping the girl up in a hug which she instantly fell into.

They didn't hug for long because Stephanie was wanting to see how things were going with Alex and Willie and she couldn't stop the small yell of excitement that escaped her lips once she saw Alex rush forward to hug Willie, the boys both holding onto each other like they were afraid to let go.

Stephanie had to hide her face against Reggie's shoulder in order to avoid Alex and Willie's gazes as they looked her way, but she could hear Alex chuckling and knew he knew that had been heard.

"Smooth," Luke teased earning a punch in the arm from Stephanie in response.

The three ghosts subtly glanced back to see Willie skateboarding away and it was then that they made their way over to Alex, Stephanie coming up to her best friend's side and wrapping an arm around him in a side hug.

"Alex, you all right, man?" Reggie asked, their eyes all flickering to the blonde who just let one of his arms wrap around Stephanie's shoulders in order to embrace her as well.

"Yeah," Alex told them, a small smile on his face. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"Well, thanks to Willie, Panic! At The Disco needs an opening band," Luke pointed out.

"Then I guess someone up there needs to know we're available," Alex told them.

Stephanie couldn't stop the grin taking over her features before she whispered, "Let's do this thing."

- - -

"No. . .No, stop. Stop! Stop! Stop saying the bus drove itself!" the promoter exclaimed before slamming his phone repeatedly against his already broken mount. Stephanie's eyes were wide in surprise and she glanced to her side at her brother, the twins both instantly locking gazes and bursting out into laughter which they were quick to muffle with their hands over each other's mouths.

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