Part 29

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I'm back, hehe.

Lilly P.O.V

I held August's hand as we walked downtown. Our dark hood cover our faces and revealed nothing about us to give us away.

We reached the middle of the and a large board took up space in front of the water fountain.

Tattered and weather Posters of wanted criminals hung on nails on the corkboard. Each one was listed at a different price, bounty hunters that were passing through the town could pick up jobs hanging in the board and make some decent coin.

I looked up at the large board and scanned the board briefly.

My gaze stopped on a picture, my breath hitched. It was a picture of my face. A large bounty of 100,000 coins was at the bottom.

I scanned the picture, it was a faded picture of my face. The picture was not at a good angle.

I scoffed, they could at least make me look better then that.
My face is not that fat!!!

"Hey!! Move your ass lady."

I was startled out of my criticism of my face, and looked up at a young man around my age.

He had red hair and a bandanna around his neck. His head blocked the sun giving off the effect of him being made by the gods.

I just blinked and looked down. August held my hand and tugged me forward. I went easily and tried and tiptoe my way through the crowd.

I heard a murmur from the red head, "Lilly Winbrooks..."

I gulped, now was not the time to be hunted by large red-haired men.
Any other day? Absolutely!

I lead August down the street and into an ally. As we walked down the silent street, we walked to the wall blocking us from the woods.

August tapped my hand, as I grabbed a rope out of my bag. I looked down at him, he looked up at me through large red eyes. His hair flowed in front of his chubby face and in his small hand he held a jump rope.

"Do you want to try?"

He nodded and smiled,  the smile lite up his face and curved his eyes into little crescents.

The ally we were in had houses best to them and pipes ran down the side getting rid of rain water.

I tied the end of the rope of the pipe and grabbed hold of the other side.

August jumped and I began singing every time he jumped one.

"Strawberry shortcake, blueberry pie, who the name of the cutest guy?"


August stopped at the letter A. I laughed and pinched his little cheek.

A throat cleared behind us, I froze and made sure August's hood was fully covering his face.

I stood up and turned around to face the person.

The red haired man was in front of me, he was glaring at me.

"May I help you sir?"

He didn't say anything but just studied my cloaked form.

I began to sweat, did he find me!?

"You dropped this."

I looked down at his extended hand, and my dagger was in his palm.

"Ah thank you, sir!"

I snatched my dagger from his palm and tucked it in my boot.

I turned and grabbed August's hand and knelt at the foot of the wall. I cupped my hands and August placed his foot in my jointed hands. I lifted him and he got safely on the other side.

I looked up at the wall, and back at the man.
"Can you, by chance help me?"

The man nodded and lifted Lilly up and on top of the wall.

Lilly was about to jump off the other side but a voice stopped her.

"Wait, Who are you?"

Lilly stopped halfway and peaked her head up and started into the man's green eyes.

What harm could it do?


And with that, she slipped down the rest of the way down the wall.

She picked up August and walked into the forest.


The man on the other side if the wall stared into space.

That women.... She was beautiful.

He could only tell she was a fi by the way her body was shaped when he picked her up.

The quick glimpse of her face was enough for any man to fall.

The man with red hair tugged lightly at the bandana on his neck. His green eyes slanted and scales erupted over his face and neck.

But she smelled of another, not the small boy she was with. But a much stronger force.

His nose flared, but I can't be.

He was the strongest, no one was stronger then he was.

No one.

That woman..... He will claim her, prove that he is superior.

She will be his.

HELLO CHILDREN!!! It's NICE TO SEE YOU!!! Schoolwork has been piling up I tell you!!!

Who is this man??

What is he?

Where is Lilly going?


The Monster RebornDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora