Part 10

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HELLO CHILDREN, ITS POURING AND MY CREATIVE JUICES ARE FLOWING!!!! Let's see what kind of concoction I can create.

Lilly P.O.V

After the disaster that was lunch, Tus and I headed out the door and headed to our next class. Tus had my bag draped over his shoulder, despite my objections he still held it. 

As we walked I began thinking about how Tus really didn't like to talk. I remember in my past life at school, there was an ASL class. I remember taking that class and learning the basic alphabet and some other signs. Since it seemed like Tus really disliked talking, this might let him speak comfortably without actually speaking. 

" Tus" He looked down at me, " Would you be comfortable trying to sign?" 

He looked confused so I clarified. 

" Like using your hands to communicate with people, Or just me. It really depends on you." I fiddled with my hands and began to ramble. " Or you don't have too, I mean it was kind of a stupid idea anyway. I don't know what I was thinking. Just ignore me, Wait, no don't ignore me." This continued until he flicked me on the head lightly with his finger. I stopped and looked up and he was shaking his head yes. " Wait so like, yes you agree? It going to take time, are you completely sure? Like completely and utterly? Because if you're not just say the word, Wait, no forget that." I heard a exhale of breath and a hand came to mine. He drew ' Yes I would like to try and sign'. I grew excited and began brainstorming ideas for signing. 

We reached Math class and opened the door, The room inside had bleachers set up and long desks were set on top of them. Across from the bleacher was a large blackboard, it spanned from wall to wall. It seems Tus and I were early, I walked up the bleachers to the top and sat down in the far corner. My placement overlooked the other students and the door, old habits die hard. 

Tus sat down next to me and brought my bag to me. I opened it and brought out my notebook, I flipped open a page and Titled it LSL {Lilly's sign Language} I drew different hand signals that represented letters and numbers, next was, please, thank you, sorry, and the all famous I love you. I labeled each one and passed the book to Tus. He obediently took the book and began studying each hand symbol.        

Minutes passed and students began to trickle into class. They looked toward me and backed away, not wanting to be the object of my 'Unpredictable' anger. Wanting to keep up my image, I glared at them and they sat down avoiding any and all contact with me.

Tus handed back my book with a nod, I furrowed my brow at him. " You finished already?" He nodded. I hummed impressed, I gave a small smile and spelled out, 'D-O _ Y-O-U_ U-N-D-E-R-S-T-A-N-D?' He nodded his head, yes. My face brightened and wrote new signs for words we use daily. I flipped the page and continued on the next page. 

My head was bopping to an invisible beat, that is until a dagger slammed down right next to my head and narrowly missed my leather book. My eyes flew to meet a bright blue pair of eyes holding anger, resentment, and borderline murder. Tus was on his feet, holding a sword to the newcomer's throat. I blinked, "Hey Tus, Where did you get that sword, Don't tell me, was that in your pants?" Tus looked at me and made a gesture that I translated as 'Not the time'. I focused back on the person that definitely had me on their blacklist. He had long white hair and looked like an angel from heaven. One could never imagine he would possibly try and assassinate anyone. I knew I would run into the 5th male lead, I just didn't imagine he would try and kill me this soon. 

This... Interesting individual was no other than Leo Gildart. He is from a family of assassins that work exclusively for the crown. Lilly in the book kind-of-sort-of was indirectly the source of his parent's death. At the beginning of Lilly's destiny of being the villainess, Lilly got kidnapped and Leo's parents saw this. They followed after the kidnappers. Once they got there, they were discovered and captured. Lilly watched as the kidnappers tortured Leo's parents. One day Lilly managed to grab a knife off one of the kidnappers. She cut her bounds and ran to Leo's parents. They were covered in bruises and cuts. They were stabbed and burned, their bones were broken in multiple places. They were on the verge of death, at the gate. Once they were released, They crawled their way to each other. They turned to Lilly and requested that Leo know that they loved him and were watching over him. They died in each other arms and smiles on their face. Lilly felt responsible for there death, she was only a kid and yet had to witness death so early on in her life. Maybe that's why her life ended the way it did. When Lilly walked up the stairs from the basement she was kept in, it was nighttime and a fire was blazing. The kidnappers were all sleeping in the living room she grabbed a log from the fire not feeling the burn of the fire against her skin. she placed it under a jacket. It caught fire and the idem next to it caught fire, Soon there was fire everywhere. Lilly walked outside, and away from the burning house. She stood a safe distance away from it. She could hear the screams of the kidnappers and the smell of rotting flesh filled the cold night air. She simply stood there and watched as the people inside burned and died. She was found soon after by knights patrolling the border. After she was home, Edwin tackled her into a hug. She numbly hugged back and over his shoulder stood a boy with white hair and bright blue eyes. Lilly knew that this was the boy the man and women spoke of. She gestured that she wanted to be let down. Edwin reluctantly did so, Lilly stepped toward the boy. "Your parents are dead." "w-what..." Lilly took a breath of air, "They said that they love you and will always be watching over you." The boy's eyes filled with tears, " NO, YOUR LYING." He took a step back, he wanted to run. "I am not, I should know. I burned their body along with the people who kidnapped me." He looked at Lilly, "Y-you killed them." She didn't deny it. "YOUR A MONSTER." She just stood there no emotion on her face, But those words hit her deep and attached itself to her heart not letting go. "I swear..." His face darkened, and deep resentment filled his eyes, "I will slaughter you and Avenge my parents." With that, he turned and rushed away. That night was the first night she ever cried herself to sleep.

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