Part 11

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HELLO CHILDREN, We are going to continue off where we left off on the letters. So if your confused go back and read the last chapter. Now WE SHALL BEGIN!!!! 

William P.O.V

William looked at the letter in his hand, resisting the urge to crumble it in his fist. He has always hated Lilly Winbrooks, ever since he saw that arrogant look that sat on her face never leaving, never changing. She was no doubt a very beautiful girl, her heart-shaped face had delicate features. Her gray hair was cut to her shoulders, Matched with her Gray eyes she could easily be one of the most beautiful girls in the kingdom. It's really a pity she has a horrible personality, Arrogant and snobby. Lilly was quiet, her eyes were cold and dull. They were that way ever since he met her, His parents said that she turned cold and merciless. Her personality took a 180 in a matter of a couple of days. Granted she was kidnapped, but wouldn't that make her pitiful and scared? When Lilly and William's parents decided to have tea they made the children go for a walk in the woods surrounding the estate. She was quiet and rarely talked, the atmosphere was tense and awkward. The bush rustled and a knife whistled past them and hit the tree right by William's face.  Lilly just lazily looked to her right where the knife whizzed past her. William stood slightly dazed, he felt a thump and a distant sort of pain. The last thing he saw was Lilly's arrogant face looking in front of her seemingly not noticing the collapsed 2nd prince at her feet.   'She must have ordered these people to catch me.' His mind raced and set upon a thought, 'If I survive this I will get revenge. She will suffer.' and with that promise, the image of Lilly darkened into a dark sheet of dreams. 

He awoke in a metal cage, His head was throbbing. When he looked around it seemed he was in some sort of room. The door opened and light seeped through the open space. A person stood in the door frame, it was a woman wearing little clothes and heavy makeup. She opened the cage and held out her hand. He looked at it and hesitantly put his hand into hers. Over the next week, he learned a lot from the women of the red light district. He was found by searching knights and was returned to the castle. He was never really the same, his experience changed him. When He asked his parents how they knew where he was, they replied with someone left a letter. He didn't put too much thought into the person who sent the letter. His only focus was the demise of Lilly Winbrooks. Over his time at the Acadamy, he watched as Lilly make a fool of herself. Chasing after his brother, bullying students, and finally trying to end Eva's life. When William first met Eva he was entranced by her beauty. When he got to know her he fell deeply in love. When Lilly tied to kill Eva, William rushed to her and slapped her. They took Lilly to prison to hold her until her execution date. Eva requested to bring her lunch until they finally executed her. Alex easily said yes and Eva brought down food for Lilly for a month until her final execution date. 

When they finally brought out Lilly, The arena that was used for fighting was filled to the brim with people. In the center of the circle sat a guillotine, Lilly looked like a twig. She was skinny and malnourished. I looked toward Eva, "Didn't you feed her, She looked like she's going to snap." Eva looked a little flustered, "I offered her food but she refused."  Her melodic voice was soft and weak, I scoffed, "Arrogant to the very end, serves her right."  They brought Lilly up the stairs to the platform and onto her knees in front of the guillotine. She was facing the booth where her father, the King, Alex, Eva, Me, Sylvester, and Augustus sat with a clear view of her face and eventual death. The executioner was nonother then Leo Gildart an assassin for the crown, he had some issues with Lilly too. She whispered something to Leo, then looked at us sitting in the booth. Her eyes were dull and blank, her arrogant look was gone replaced by a smile. She looked like a small orphaned child, small, lonely, abandoned by the world. She opened her mouth and said the words. Goodbye.

The after-party was big and the ballroom was full. Eva and Alex were dancing, full of smiles. I was smiling a somewhat forced smile. Leo then came from down the stairs that lead to the girls' dormitory. He approached me and asked me to step outside for a moment. 

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