Part 13

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HELLO CHILDREN!!!!!! Welcome to my drama fest!! Here, we watch the drama with lamas and endless refills of tea. ENJOY

Lilly P.O.V.

I was tucked into Tus's chest, his smell enveloped my senses. He smelled like Pine trees and peppermint. It refreshed me, and I took another long inhale through my nose. I was interrupted by a loud bang that came from the entrance. Tus looked down at me and smiled, 'if he does that again I might be forced to jump him.' My face went pink and I hid back into his chest. I felt his chest rumble, he was laughing at me. I scowled at him, he pinched my cheeks in return.

I turned to the front of the room still in Tus's arms. The Teacher was stumbling to his feet, face flushed, borderline purple.  Alex and Eva stood in the middle of the room, Alex holding Eva in his arms. She wore the school uniform, and her skirt was a little shorter then it should be. 

Eva and Alex made their way up the bleachers and sat down in the middle practically sitting in each other laps. They looked perfect together, The Bitch and the Bastard. A match made in hell.

The teacher was on his feet and announced that class was over. Tus reluctantly let go of Lilly and he grabbed her book and stuffed it in her bag. 

'C-O-M-E' He spelled and held out his hand. I glanced at it and took it, screw my fiancee. 

We walked out of the classroom and I glanced at our schedule, Physics.

As Tus and I walked hand in hand down a long hallway with windows lining the walls.  We were in the middle of the hallway when we were stopped by a noise. We looked at each other; confused.

One of the windows was cracked open, I walked toward it letting go of Tus's hand. I opened wider and crawl through to the other side. Tus tried to follow, but I stopped him. 

" Tus, Stay here. I'll be right back, Promise." Tus shook his head no and tried to grab my hand.

I smiled and grabbed his hand, I brought it to my face. I kissed the back of his hand and stunned him momentarily. I used this opportunity and ran off in the direction of the sound. 


A little earlier...

 Edwin walked in the garden, the sun was shining and Lilly was in class. Flowers bloomed in bright colors. He strolled past a shed where they kept the gardening equipment when he was pulled and pushed into a wall. A large body pressed into him when Edwin looked up he saw a man. This man just so happened to be the 'Old Man' Lilly encountered in the lunchroom. 

"Excuse me... Sir." Edwin was flustered, his face went red and his mind went into a panic. 

The Man said nothing, just stared at the shorter male.

Back in his country, he was a general. He was falsely accused of killing his whole team after only he survived in an ambush from the enemy. He got lucky when he came to this kingdom and got the job of chef.  It was a change of pace for him but he eventually found his way around the kitchen. His name was Ryker Desmond. 

In his country, there were such things as Lycans. A Man with the ability to turn into a wolf, he was one. His father was Lycan and his mother was a human, His country and the Lycans kingdom were at war. He was a secret one that his parents died to protect. 

When he was younger his dad told him the tale of a mate. A being who will love, cherish, and protect them. His father said you will know your mate by the way they smell and the undeniable attraction you feel toward them. Ryker always wanted a mate, somebody to hold, somebody to protect. He finally found them, his mate was in front of him. 

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